GVH from Anarchyball is now on Steemit


IP laws represent the Labor Theory of Imaginary Property
Arguments by IP supporters usually go something like this: “if you don’t havs IP laws you’re stealing potential profits from the creator of the thing you’re copying.”
As with labor theory of value, the supporter of objective value will say that because a thing was made, the maker is entitled to the total value it was sold for, however, what no objective theoreticians will say is that when an object trades hands in a sale, unless you have a positive contractual commitment, you have no right to that object anymore. If you sell a digital file, and that file is copied that copy belongs to the copier. When you force someone to relinquish their copy, without having a contract with him, you’re the thief, not the copier.

If you require force to protect things you’ve thought long and hard about, the best course of action is to make contracts with the people you share your ideas with. If you want to get your ideas out to more people, it’s a good idea to have the people who appreciate you fund you in ways that don’t create conflict between you and them when copies are created.

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