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I've never seen a cryptocurrency exchange that makes its own games too!

Ionomy does!

I have to say, this seems promising! There's obviously a lot of development going into all of this. What I'm seeing so far looks fantastic!

As you can see below, their games are available on Google Play / App Store, it appears that they are mobile-only games, just a heads up.

There are two more games in development that aren't shown in the first image. Ionix looks particularly interesting to me. Since it says " Users can play just for fun in arcade mode or compete for a chance to earn valuable rewards in ranked mode." I'm already pre-hooked. I've always loved games like this one! Looking forward to the first version to be released.

Apparently, they've been giving out some airdrops to people who are holding HIVE as well. Find out more by visiting their blog --> Ionomy HIVE Blog

Special thanks to @bashadow for letting me know about it. Much appreciated!

Are you holding any HIVE?

Have you gotten airdropped any tokens from @ionomy yet?

Played any of their games yet?

I tried the Offroad Heat game out but my phone is kinda old and needs replacing. Looks pretty fun though, apparently, you're able to race with your friends online. (My favorite part) I absolutely love a good racing game with human competition.

If you found out about Ionomy because of this post, I'd love it if you used my affiliate link by clicking anywhere that it says Ionomy.


Looking forward to your comments!