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Why do people work on the hated work and what to do?


Why do people work on the hated work and what to do?

Good day to all!

I just recently caught my eye one study. It says that more than half of people do not like their job.

I think, just for you, this article will be useful in it, I'll tell you about why people work for the work that she does not "like" and what to do to finally "find yourself"

If you are ready, I will start

Why do people work there?

The logical solution would be a departure from the place of work, which you do not like, right? But why people are somehow "hold" for that from which they feel sick? Let's try to find out


Money, but most of the people working on the job just for money. And so, once throwing many do not want. This is understandable, because Going back to the current place of work, not the fact that you will find something better. And yet, much depends on where a person lives. In the depths of people work on one and the work itself for life due to the lack of alternatives.


"Life circumstances". According to this formulation can hide a lot. This or that "we are a young family and go somewhere is not yet necessary. Better-ka I experience, type ", or" we only child was, it also needs money, so do not quit. " What is the reality behind these so-called "life circumstances" I'll tell you more.


«Stability». Many do not want to go into business or do something to change just because they believe in a childhood imaginary "stability". They think that this work is even bad, but stable. A "stable" low wages better known "what", after the dismissal ...


Fear to get out of their "comfort zone". "So in fact the work of a close, and with the team once befriended. And the fact that all my life I dreamed of becoming a musician, a logistician working - so it's nothing on it, and the life. Not everyone is destined to come true ... "- about this line will tell you the person who works for the unloved job, but is afraid to get out of the" comfort zone ". This concept means that each person has their own habits, mannerisms, way of life, that they are simply too lazy to change. And to justify this, they will find hundreds of reasons that they seem correct and significant. They will lie on the bed the whole Sunday, instead of having to go on a fishing trip, or a cycling ...


«Respect and honor" position in society. Another 'imaginary ideal ", because of which people to" stay "of their workplace. It is no secret that there is a profession to which the Company refers to the great "respect" in society than other professions. For example, teachers, doctors and some bank employees are respected, despite their small salaries and difficult and thankless labor. Others "occupation", such as vendors in markets or street cleaners do not enjoy such respect in the society. So, a person who works on the "respectable" positions often do not want to leave her alone out of respect. It does not matter what he wants to throw up every morning hearing the ringing of an alarm clock, and his head is occupied only with thoughts of how to quickly passed the next day. And absolutely do not care that the end of the month he will be given a salary, which is enough to pay for an apartment and buy a main meal. It does not matter. The main thing - "respect" in the eyes of society ..


The fear of taking responsibility. This reason is not voiced, but it plays a big role. The fact that we live in a world where few people want to take responsibility for themselves and for their loved ones. Hence - and the laws created in this way that the "extreme" to find them unrealistic, and people who do not want to take any responsibility. Speaking thieves concepts - "do not want to be responsible for the market." It's - so hard ... More often than not suit us at work, where we work with the rest of his days. And the man does not know that you can take and change something. After all, a bad outcome has not been canceled. And if it happened because of you, who will be to blame? Of course you are ... why people "sit" on their work, because they do not want to solve something for themselves ...


Fear of the unknown. "Better a bird in hand is worth two in the bush" - says a popular proverb. She enjoyed by people who are afraid of the unknown. After all, the "here" all clear and understandable: Wake up at 6, subway, then the office, lunch, metro, home, dinner, sleep. And let the work of hate, and the salary is not so great - but all more or less clear ... And Going back you will find the unknown that frightens many people and ... I will not discuss the reasons for this fear, because it is - a long conversation, just stop and that this cause is a great place.

I have listed the main reasons for that are "kept" man on his work. But, if you've read up to this point and did not close the page, parallel sending me three letters, then you want to change something in their lives. In fact, the next part of the article for you. In it, I'll try to answer one of the most popular questions that bothers any Russian person:

"What to do?"

«And it is all you want?" - The first question you should ask yourself. Leaving the place of work should only be your decision. Not his wife, mother, brother, sister, friend, and it is yours! After all, only then you will have to answer for all the consequences that happen in your life after the ... Remember, life is too short to spend it not unloved things, and ugly women If you then wish to you is not "burned out" and only intensified, the further I would advise:

Create a "bridgehead" for the retreat. Under the "bridgehead" I mean a certain material component. In the first place, leaving the unloved job, you need to start doing what you like and brings money, and not just go to "fool Vanka." Therefore, pre-think over his departure. It is best in six months or a year. During this time, try to collect some money to it to you enough to live at least a few months (ideally, the more - the better), not working. So you will not encounter material difficulties, as you will have to live for a while. Well, the time that is left, try to use wisely for yourself

Look for yourself, without stopping! Well, it remains only to find that you have brought pleasure and money. I'm sure you have some kind of a dream (after all, you are a living person, not a search engine Yandex Bot, right). So follow it and work on yourself "and you will succeed!


Today, I told you about why people work on their unloved work. If you have decided to start a "new" life, these reasons must seem to you suschimi nonsense! Also, I gave tips that really work (already went to work, many of my friends).

Again, that "life is too short to spend it on things unloved and ugly women." Therefore, look for yourself, and do not stop!

Good luck and prosperity!

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