The Cruel Mistress

I've been reading and posting in Steem for a couple of weeks now and there are a great number of posts that amount to rants about how unfair it is for quality content to slip away while a 1-paragraph-turd-with-pic gets 500 votes and makes $8k. There's also some funny comments scattered around about how "poor Ethereum" they're just having it really tough right now (which is true), but it's funny because it reminds me a lot of the well-known stock market axiom:

The market can be a very cruel mistress.

Anyone who has chased and chased, week after week, or month after month, after a market theory they knew just had to be right (Et tu, Treasury Interest Rates? Then fall @kewpiedoll!) even when the market is going almost completely the opposite way the entire time, knows the pain of this axiom all too well. In addition, the well-known little-sister axiom voiced by John Maynard Keynes himself comes to mind:

"The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent"

After 20 years investing in stocks and options, and now 5+ years in Crypto and even having started my own coin I can tell you under no uncertain terms, this is even more true for Crypto than it is for the stock market.

At least with the stock market you have rules. Crypto is like the stock market on crack, the rules are still being written.

To those who've skipped over the stock market trading paradigm and moved right to crypto: welcome to the Wild West, I hope you have some hard whiskey and a couple of six shooters, you're going to need them.

I almost forget my hot-chick pic to make this turd of post complete:
pic added

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