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Earn real $ planting virtual trees

Earn real $ planting virtual trees.


In can plant virtual fruit trees; The method is simple, invest, plant, sell harvested fruits and earn money by selling those fruits, or if you prefer, reinvest in more trees to earn more.


There are five types of fruit trees that you can plant, each with its own characteristics, cost, productivity and production. Here I show only four of them.


In the Warehouse it is where all the fruits are collected, this can be sold when you please, each fruit has a price, in the case of the banana it costs 0.04 GOLD, “GOLD” is its virtual currency of the page, you get half of the gain from the sale of fruit in GOLD and the other half in GOLD Recharged.


Here we see the profits, one part is in Gold and another in recharged Gold, the first is used to buy recharged gold or exchange it for real $, 100 Gold equals $ 1; The second is to plant more trees.


As you can see, Payyer or Paypal can be withdrawn, the minimum amount for the first one is $ 0.02 and for the second one it is $ 5!