Thinking about diversifying and going in 30 percent in steem(30,000usd)

So here I am on my third day on steemit,what a ride it has been in only three days.Ive been thinking about ethereum and all of its applications and how efficient it will be for developers and will be a great innovation for blockchain application in the wild.Steemit is another application of blockchain technology but in the realm of social media;ive also been thinking of this and the current social media ecosystem,steemit is a disruptive technology which will decentralize social media and drastically change the entire industry.


As someone who majored in finance in college who has graduated in the past few years I know about disruptive technologies and diversification so I do understand the the context of the situation and the magnitude of any large investment decisions.


With all of this said I am wondering if I should allocate approximately thirty thousand usd into steem and power up;I belive that a doubling in the value of steem at the very likely when compared to the likelihood of bitcoin doubling at the very least.I can see steem surpassing etherium  which would be several hundred percent return from here at the very least.And to think that people will go to a web development application of the blockchain before a social media application of the blockchain.   

So if litecoin was at one point trading at above $20 than I will think that steem will really be a game changing and could easily go another 1200 percent from here...there are my millions






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