How to Determine Who Has Right of Way

Three Methods:Determining Right of Way With PedestriansDetermining the Right of Way at IntersectionsDetermining the Right of Way ElsewhereCommunity Q&A

Intersections are one of the most common places for accidents to occur because drivers are often unclear on who should yield right of way to whom. However, there are definitive rules about who gets to go at intersections and many other places. Knowing the rules could save a life.
Method 1
Determining Right of Way With Pedestrians

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Yield to people in the crosswalk. This extends to anyone crossing the road in some states, such as Maine. [1] Many times crosswalks will be announced ahead of time with a sign. If there are no pedestrians waiting to cross the crosswalk you can continue on without stopping. Keep an eye out for pedestrians.
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Yield to anyone using a seeing eye dog. [2] If the pedestrian has a seeing eye dog then their vision is impaired. It is up to you to yield the right of way to this pedestrian regardless of if they are in the crosswalk or not.
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Yield to anyone with a white cane with or without a red tip. These cans can indicate that the pedestrian is deaf, blind, or both. If you see someone waiting at an intersection with a white cane, stop your car and take note of if they plan to proceed. Always yield to these people for safety reasons. [3]
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Yield to bicyclists in all situations where you would yield to a car. Bicyclists are supposed to be treated as another vehicle, but must be passed at a safe distance. Yield to bicyclists when turning left - let them pass before you make the turn. A good bicyclist will follow the traffic rules. [4]

Method 2
Determining the Right of Way at Intersections

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Follow the signal directions at controlled intersections. At intersections with traffic lights or stop signs, obey the signals! This simple step is the easiest way to stay out of trouble. You don’t have to worry about right of way because the traffic light is calculating it for you. Just stay in your lane and wait until the light turns green. That means you are allowed to go. [5]
    A blinking red light means that you should treat the stoplight as a stop sign. Stop, yield to others already at the intersection, and then continue on your way. If you arrive at the intersection at the same time as another person, the car to the right goes first.
    A blinking yellow light means proceed with caution. You should go slow, and there may be a crosswalk ahead. Yield to anyone in the crosswalk.
    You must yield to emergency vehicles with their lights on even if you have a green light.
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Turn "right on red" at a stoplight if there is no sign telling you otherwise. If you see a sign saying "no right on red" then you must wait for the light to turn green again. Similarly, if there is a red arrow pointing right inside the stop light, you must wait for the light to turn green. You are never allowed to turn right on red in New York City. [6]
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Yield to cars already at an uncontrolled intersection. If you and another car arrive at the intersection at the same time, then yield to the car to the right. It isn’t always easy to determine who arrived at the intersection first, so try to make eye contact with the other driver. This will help you establish who is going to go first. Flashing your lights is an indication that you want them to go first. If they flash their lights at you, that means they are waiting for you to go. [7]
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Yield to the larger road at intersections with multiple-lane roads. When a one- or two-lane road intersects with a larger road, the driver on the smaller road must yield to cars on the multi-lane road. Wait for a safe opening in the traffic before you try to enter into the multi-lane road. Never expect the traffic to stop for you. If you have to come to a complete stop before entering the multi-lane road, that’s okay.
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Yield to oncoming traffic at T-intersections. When a road dead-ends into a through street, the driver on the dead-end road must yield to traffic on the other street. [8] You don’t want to go driving out into oncoming traffic. Oftentimes these intersections will have a stop sign, but if not yield right of way to oncoming traffic.
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Treat the traffic light like a stop sign if it is not functioning.

Method 3
Determining the Right of Way Elsewhere

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Yield the right of way to oncoming traffic on highway exit ramps. If a car is entering a controlled-access highway, the car on the on-ramp must yield to any vehicle on the highway. [9]
    When an access road intersects with a highway exit ramp, drivers on the access road must yield to cars on the exit ramp, even if the traffic leaving the freeway merges into a separate lane.
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Yield the right of way to oncoming traffic during a left turn. [10] If you are taking a left turn into a parking lot or onto another road make sure you always yield to oncoming traffic. Don’t expect the traffic to stop for you. Wait until there is a safe gap in the traffic for you to turn.
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Yield the right of way at any yield sign. This is self-explanatory. Yield signs will pop up all over the place at strange intersections and at rotaries. Yield to the oncoming traffic if a yield sign is in place. You will often see yield signs to the right of traffic signals if there is a separate lane that turns right before the light. Follow the signs directions.
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