introducemyself tosteemit friends


Assalammualaikum the steemit,
introduce my name mujiburrahman
I came from Aceh was born in Aceh, on October 10, 1994 Ordinary I am called muji Now I am a student at one of malikussaleh universities in agriculture faculty majoring in agribusiness. I heard the stemit from my friend named muzakir while chatting in one of the stalls in the north diaceh. My hobbies play volleyball and traveling, I've been traveling some of the famous tourist attractions in aceh diumumnya diindonesia.
I have four younger sisters and one sister I am one of them boys in my family love them very much and we often spend the weekend with family. My daily activities are lectures and voly.voly is one of the sports that is preferred by many men men are some women who play volleyball sport singing profits such as increasing stamina, reducing anxiety, burn fat, nourish the body and others.
My other activities are farming on paddy fields with own capital while filling the day of college.
On behalf of beginners in steemit hope friends who first join, and I want to call it senior in the hope of being able to guide me in steemit, either how to share postings, how to make a post, editing process in posting posts, special tricks to become a reliable steemian later. This hope is also so I expect, without stopping to give criticism and suggestions that aims to build from seniors who already understand enough about steemit.
Thank you also I say, after this I am ready to be a true steemian write and give post without stopping.
Bravo steemit phillippes

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