My first Blog; Hello Hive

Cold evening to everyone who had the same timeline with me. As of the writing, it is 07:24 PM. The sky has been crying the whole day which gave me a chilly feeling tonight.
As I written in my title it is my first blog here and to be honest I don't know how to start. I read about hive few months ago as some of the writers at Read and Noise cash have been talking about it. I did try to open the site but unable to create an account not until I read @jane1289 article at read few days ago. That made me decide now is the time. Thanks Jane.

Also thanks to @Olawalium for answering some of my queries while I was creating an account.

Who is Lhes?


My username is just a first syllable of real name. I chose that because most people I know are calling me " Les" I just added letter "H".

I am an "Ilongga" as what people here in my country called us who came in the province of Panay. We are known as people who are soft spoken a gentle one. Oftentimes, people in different regions are teasing us because we still sounds sweet even though we are angry.
YET, don't expect I am that sweet too. I've been staying in the city, capital of the Philippines for almost seven years. Somehow my diction, intonation on how I speak changed.
Yes, I am a country girl who wandered and try her luck in the busy streets of Manila.
It was only enjoyable in the first years but the succeeding? Naa, I badly wanted to go back home in the countryside.

My job?

Been working for years in a private company. I am into Finance though if you asked me, my course in college was too far from it. My job is quite challenging since I am in Risk Management . Well no one wanted to received an Incident report right? Yeah, my main job is to ensure that the all standard operating procedures are implemented at the store. Any risk found should be coordinated to the linkage group for possible resolutions. I am working with our HR and Legal department in order to issue IR to anyone who committed fraud or non compliances that may result losing some company assets. Not only once I got blocked in social media by my former work mates. Not a problem in my part, I just did my job. Though it was stressful.

However when the pandemic happened most of my officemate especially those who are staying to in our staff house decided to filed a resignation and went home in the province. I was left alone, feeling alone. Finding a way to divert those negative feelings that's the start I dive in into writing. I started at Read cash last year. Now I am excited to start my journey here at Hive.

Well reading is fun and became my escape from the stressful world.
Reading stories of different people that could be a fiction, real life stories or even them just trying to express their selves.

To know me better, here are some facts about me;

I am always misunderstood as snob and other's don't like me because I am too peaky with foods. Why?

Maybe because I seldom smile, always wearing my serious face. Of course I joke but only to those who are closed to me. Not only that I am a straightforward type of person. I don't sugarcoat. Most of the time, I just chose to remain silent rather than say something that might offended anyone.
I am peaky with foods because of allergies. Who wouldn't like to eat those mouthwatering seafoods? Chickens? Sad to say I am allergic with those and even with eggs. I got rashes and difficulty in breathing after I eat shrimps or crabs. While for chickens and eggs I got pimples and something itchy on my skin. So most of the time I prefer eating veggies and meat.

There are only two things that I am fond of; Mickey and Minnie mouse products and lipstick.

Yes, at my age I am still fond of Mickey and Minnie. I have a lot of merchandize from Beddings, jammies, Tshirts, mugs etc. Name it as for sure I have it. My husband, yes I am married, why supportive. In fact on my last birthday he surprised me with a bouquet of flowers that comes with a big Minnie mouse staff toy.

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For the lipstick? Pandemic didn't stop me. Though we are still wearing mask here I am still wearing different shade everyday, lol. I chose the matte as I don't want to reapply again and again. As mentioned I have different shades and I chose what to wear either my mood of person I am with.


What shades suits me better?

Other than that? Nothing more that's only the things I am addicted with. To sum up? Lhes is a mickey mouse lover who loves collecting lipstick.

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