hello, i am so happy to join you!

this is my first post, my introduction. I am so excited to write this one, to take part in this platform, that i was watching from outside for a long time.

The 'dry' facts;
name: Tslil Lila Orlev
age: 30
place of birth: Israel
place of living: Portugal
native languish : Hebrew
learning: English and Portuguese.
married: to the love of my life @orlev
child: one beautiful toddler, Tao.

starting to write this post I understand that I can tell so much, more then one post for sure.... I get to know this platform through my partner @orlev, he is here for a few years now, and always says what a great community it is and so on.... what gave my the motivation to really get in to it now was my passion towered movement and my journey as a Yoga teacher. so as a starting point my blog here will be mainly about movement, yoga, embodiment, and living in a human body. But, In my life I wear many hats.... I am a full time mum together with my beloved man. I love craft and making things with my hands; from sewing to knitting to baking bread, making soap and much more.
I am in love with nature, one of the reasons I moved my life to Portugal is to live in the countryside and own a piece of land that I can develop, plant trees, grow food and herbs and to live in a more peaceful environment.
I want to apologize up-front about my English mistakes, grammar and spelling, I am still learning and improving my skills, especially in writing.

2019 was a dramatic year for me, in one year I became a mother and an immigrant, two things that I am still processing. it was a hard move and hard times, and that really changed me, shape me into the women I am today. having two major changes in life at the same time crash my old identity and in this void of nothing certain anymore a new identity was born. So I gave myself a new name- Lila, to symbols a new chapter in my life, and I go by this name today. I do kept my first name as well, Tslil, I love this name and the meaning in Hebrew is so special- sound. but to gain the courage to choose myself a new name was a act of freedom and rebirth. I feel more powerful today, more capable to face life, and life struggles and challenges, and also more open to experience life bliss and happiness in a deep way. I hope to shear here from my true self and heart, and to meet new friends along the path, waking together is just much more fun.

happy to join, and thank you for reading so far.
I wish you all laughter and love

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