Introduction Post

Nationality: Barbadian
Currently Reside in: Tanzania

I am mostly known on the Hive blockchain as TreyTrillionaire from playing splinterlands, but you can call me Trey. I am intrigued by the potential of blockchain technology and all the dApps that can be built on top of this technology. My interest in crypto grew so large that I decided to look for employment opportunities in the field to gather experience. I was lucky to join the Onixcoin Blockchain Team as the Operations Manager an ever since i've been totally into everything crypto. I plan to post news, updates, game clips from projects of interest to me.

I went to Barbados Community College, got my associates degree in computer studies then moved to Canada to enroll in George Brown College to study Networking(CCNA). That is when i first heard of bitcoin and blockchain technology.

I instantly got interested in the tech and started to research more online. That's how the Onixcoin job opportunity came about.

The first crypto project I invested in was one from Akon, the grammy award winning artist/millionaire who started the Akoin Smart City project. I was one of the initial donars back in 2019 and still hold the AKN token to this day. I'm looking forward to big things in the smart/crypto cities revolution and hope to live in one some day.

As a side hobby, i'm also into music and from time to time I will post stuff related to music i'm currently listening to or had a part in producing.

I excited to start my blogging journey on Ecency...btw that's a lion in the background of my picture 😄😅

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