Eager to Learn: A Newly Hatched Larvae in the Hive

  • Self-Introduction

Hello, Hive community, It feels exciting to finally start my own blogging journey here. Let me introduce myself first. My real name is Clent but here in Hive, you can call me “tomilee” as it is my username here in Hive. I came up with this nickname a few years ago, It is my username in a game called AQW(Adventure Quest World's).
T- is for try as hard as you can.
O-is for obidience.
M-is for mirth, your laughter.
I-is for inventor, how many things will you create?
L-is for loyalty that you show.
E-is for excellence, your passion, your drive.
E-is for extra, those little things that you do.
Originally, I used the name “Pascal” in all my accounts except here in Hive because I wanted something new that will truly express what I am as a person so I came up with the name “tomilee”.


I am a 19-year-old Senior High School student at Ilihan Integrated School, Tabogon, Cebu, Philippines. I am currently residing in Kantubaon, Tabuelan, Cebu but before that, I spent 16 years of my life in Don Gregorio Antigua, Borbon, Cebu.

At first, I was hesitant to move to a new environment since I had gotten used to my hometown, I had done crazy and stupid things there and I would not want to be away from my close friends and close relatives but as it turns out it is not as bad as I thought it would be. Moving to a new place, a new environment, actually moulded me to become more mature and be less dependent in a sense. I focused more on my studies because before, I was not really that serious in my studies like I would be okay if I would get a passing grade like an 80 something or even lower than that but now that I am on my own I realise that I need to change for the better.

I just woke up one day, thinking that I am no longer that kid who cuts classes just to play at a computer shop, I am no longer that kid who gets to do what he wants freely without thinking of the consequences, I realized that I’m starting to get to “that” age where I needed to have an attitude of gravity, persistence and earnestness towards something that is of much more importance.

  • What/Who Got Me Into Hive

The individual who introduced me to Hive or “blogging” in general is @callmesmile. At first, I was very hesitant. I had deep thoughts in my mind like “Are my writing skills enough to be considered as “good” in the blogging community”, and “Would my audience be satisfied with the content that I will be releasing in public”.

(Photo taken by @callmesmile)

I had those thoughts, the reason being that I am not really into writing but after listening to the orientation presented by @ybanezkim26 and @indayclara, I was encouraged and ultimately decided that I would get into blogging due to the benefits that I would obtain, not only will I have fun expressing myself out there but I would also earn compensation while doing so and that’s a wonderful thing. Another thing that drives me is that I would take this as an opportunity to improve my writing skills and also my communication skills, as I am positive that there will be certain situations where I will be forced to do those and that results in self-development and improvement.

  • My Areas Of Passion And Admiration

I absolutely love and am obsessed with music, it is the only form of language that speaks directly to my soul. There’s just something special about music that connects us all. Sing a well-known song and everyone will sing along. That’s the beauty of music.

(Photos from IIS Glee Club)

I am a singer but not so experienced, I have only sung in our school, Ilihan Integrated School. This school is special to me because it is where I met my adviser in the glee club, who also became my friend. I will not name him (I don’t have permission to do so) but this particular person holds a special place in my heart for the way he supported and guided me into singing, he nurtured my confidence in singing and made me who I am today as a singer.


I am also into this boardgame called “chess”. I began my chess journey 1 year ago. It didn’t really come to my mind that I would be a chess player. At first, I thought of chess as a plain old boring game. I just watched my friends playing but as I kept observing them and how they had so much fun with the game, I kind of got curious and wanted to know why they had so much fun with such a simple boardgame and boy, was I wrong! This game is actually not that simple and easy, it is very complicated. When I experienced the game myself, I finally relate why they had so much enjoyment to the game. This is a very competitive game that needs analyzing and ciritical thinking skills which I am good at so the game fits me perfectly.

(These are their puppy pics and unfortunately I accidentally deleted Bob's pics).

I have 3 dogs, unfortunately, the first dog that I got died during the pandemic, his name is hatchi, he is a pure blooded aspin but the other 2 is still here with me and I love them so much. They are all around 3 years old. The oldest dog is Bob, he is a white aspin and the other one is a mix of an aspin and a golden retriever, his name is Chow. They are all loyal dogs and they provide me with such comfort, whenever I get home they immediately come rushing to me so my clothes always get dirt stains whenever I get home because of the dirt on their feet. I used to take them out on long walks but I can no longer do that as I am busy with my school works all the time.

  • My Intended Actions On This Platform

What I want to do moving forward, for starters is I want to make song covers here to provide entertainment for the public and then I want to try out the fields that are not in the scope of my comfort zone like maybe travel blogs, literary pieces, snorkeling(maybe in the future), and many many more. I am extremely excited to be part of this community and am looking forward to what my abilities can accomplish. Looking forward to be a positive and active member of this wonderful community!

“You will only know you’re good,
If people tell you you’re good”

-Arthur Nery

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