Hive: The Key to Unveiling the Lion's Path

Ladies and gentlemen, cats and dogs, aliens, and unicorns—I present to you, the most extraordinary and weird specimen of humanity, yours truly! Greetings, mortals, and sentient beings of this multiverse! My name is Glenford, but you can call me "thecalmstorm" from the proud province of Cebu.

Who I am?

As a Son…

Now, let me tell you about my amazing family. I am incredibly fortunate to have a loving and supportive family that has greatly shaped the person I am today. I'm super excited to introduce them one by one. First and foremost, there is my Father, Mr. Edgar Arnejo. He is a respected construction worker who has been my mentor and role model. His wisdom and constant encouragement have been crucial in my journey toward success. He taught me many things, specifically how to become a man, a disciplined individual, and many more. Next is my Mother, Mrs. Ebe Arnejo. She is the heart and soul of our family. She is a caretaker and has instilled in me the values of hard work, compassion, resilience, and camaraderie. Her unconditional love and support have always been the source of my strength.

I am also grateful to have two siblings, my closest friends, and enemies. Their names are Feonah Arnejo and Yuri Arnejo. Each of them brings a unique personality, and we share an unbreakable bond. Together, we create countless cherished memories and sometimes support one another through life's ups and downs.

Overall, my family holds a special place in my heart. They play an integral role in my life, providing love, encouragement, and unwavering support. I am eternally grateful for their presence, which has contributed immensely to my personal growth and happiness.

As a Friend…

A coffee addict with a mix of overthinking and a dash of anxiety disorder. Yeah! that's me! A combination of these is indeed a so-called disaster. Yet, I also thrive on the fine art of making people smile, for I believe that a smile makes a person more beautiful.

As a Person…

Now, let me take you on a tour of my cosmic quirks and peculiarities. Aside from being a self-proclaimed expert in dancing awkwardly when no one is watching, I have an amazing ability to effortlessly lose myself in the wonderfully absurd, whether it's engaging in intense debates with myself in the mirror or attempting to teach chickens how to sing. I also love to travel alone or with family or friends and get drunk in the process. When I'm not busy moonlighting as a stand-up philosopher or solving the mysteries of the universe, You'll often find me adventuring through the fantastical realms of literature, music, art, fishing, and fitness. I also love to play sports like basketball, chess, karate, and badminton. You see, I have a huge appetite for things that offer me joy and incredible knowledge in this world full of ups and downs.

What I love to do during my spare time…

Health and Fitness

Since I'm a huge fan of bodybuilding, having a healthy life is my lifetime goal. I would probably include health
and fitness in my future blogs.

I would also provide tips and show all of you my day-to-day progress. In that way, I can also provide you with some knowledge and motivation to create a strong body and a strong mind. Together with my friends, I love to make myself physically fit and healthy.


As you all know, I am also a fan of traveling, whether alone or with family and friends. The pictures here are some of the most joyful moments that have happened to me in this life. There is nothing more fun than traveling with your family and friends. I'm thrilled to put my travels on this platform for you all to see.

A glimpse of my life as a student

Also, I'm going to put how the life of a BSHM student is. I will show you all how fun yet exhausting this course is, but if you love your course and put passion into it, you'll surely enjoy it.

Fishing or foraging

This is one of my favorite things to do, especially when I'm bored. I simply go to the seashore near our place and forage for clams or go fishing. I also do jig and casting (a form of fishing) together with my Tito and sometimes with my friends. It's fun that I almost forget my problems for a short period.

Why I am here?

The reason why I decided to do blogging is because it provides a platform for me to fully express myself and share my thoughts and peculiar ideas without any judgment. I'm very thankful to the Hive community for giving me this amazing opportunity. I am also here to help myself improve my writing skills because I always struggle with writing, so I think with this platform I can practice my skills with the help of my mentor and with friends who also strive to perfect these skills. Writing is hard for me, but I am willing to learn from others who are experts. I believe that the shared knowledge from the experts, reading, and following other experiences will help me build myself.

Lastly, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to @selflessgem who invited me to join the Hive community and guide me unconditionally. Next, I would like to extend my warmest thanks to Miss @indayclara, Sir @ybanezkim26, and Sir @intoy.bugoy for personally sharing their expertise and bringing Hive to us. With all your expertise, we can do better.

So, buckle up, fellow Hivers, because this is just the tip of the iceberg! Prepare yourselves for laughter, mind-bending conversations, and a unique journey unlike any you have ever experienced before. Remember, when life gets too ordinary, call upon "thecalmstorm," the one who will sprinkle a bit of cosmic absurdity, fun, and laughter into your existence. Together, we shall conquer the universe and celebrate the extraordinary victory on our side! Thank you, thank you! Stay curious, stay laughing, and stay peculiar, Hivers.

That’s all for today Hive friends. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Have a great day! Stay tuned for my next blog!

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