Hello Lovely Hivers!


My Bio

My name is Rebecca Oluchi chigbu, a sweet soul 🥰. I originate from Abia State, Nigeria. I've been on this planet for 21 years now & sometimes I can't even believe how fast time goes by. I come from a family of 7 and my family means the whole world to me. My parents are a great example of how love should look and feel like and I adore them alot ❤.

I'm quite a reserved person, I love reading. I've read alot of novels & my all time favourite remains the Harry Potter series by J.K roling.

I also love watching movies, hanging out with family, friends, and I love God! You can call me a churchy 😉


Career / Education

I'm a final year student of University of Calabar, studying Mass Communication.
I probably should have rounded up my academics by now but there have been an academic strike going on for the past 7 months in all federal schools across the country.

However, this time at home made me discover myself and my love for creating dresses & fashion designing in general. I decided to register for a training program to help me become a seamstress and I must confess; that decision is one of the best decisions I've ever made. The art of sewing & creating dresses have
brought out alot of the creativity in me.
6 months into the training and I'm pretty confident in my stitching skills.


Some of the dresses I've made so far

I also love writing & sharing my thougts with others. Growing up I was fund of writing poems & short novels. And yes, I'm a foody! I love chocolates and I love a good meal. 😋


Smiley 😊

I have decided to come on Hive as I see it as a great platform to share my creative processes while learning more about my craft, web 3 & crypto space in general.

For a long time, I've been oblivious to the whole crypto thing. I had thought it was all a scam or gamble as I had witness first time a friend lose a lot of money. So I was scared, but kudos to @samostically for enlightening me and helping me grasp the basics. With this I was past the fear of the unknown and I had come to the realisation that crypto is not all a scam.

I got to find out about Hive from my good friend; @samostically, it's been over a year since he's been disturbing me to join 😂. He told me it's great medium to share my thoughts & skill for free while still getting some rewards. I can evidently see how much Hive has changed his life and how excited and optimistic he is about the whole space. So here I am, ready to be a part of this great community and see how much I can learn while trying to inspire people with my craft.

I'm quite a spontaneous person, I love trying out new things and I'm eager to explore this great space and I hope I'll be able to contribute positively to the growth of the community in the little ways I can.

Also, shoutouts to @wildthougts & @samostically of course for putting me through on how to navigate the platform and make a proper post.

Thank you soo much for stopping by to read! Really look forward to a great time here.

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