White Paper Friday - Introduction

Time for a New Friday Tradition

I have done my fair share of reading CoinDesk articles, listening to "What is Blockchain" tutorials, watching Cryptocurrency video explanations, etc. However one thing I found was that I always got the most out of reading white papers. While they are often the most technical, and at times hard to understand, they almost always offer a fantastic explanation of a DLT (Distributed Ledger Technology) use case. Thus, today I am going to begin "White Paper Fridays!"

How this will work:

  1. I will write a post about which white paper I am going to read Friday morning
  2. I will write a post about my thoughts from reading the white paper Friday night

I encourage other blockchain/cryptocurrency enthusiasts to follow along if they are interested! You know what they say, "One white paper a (fri)day, keeps the hard fork at bay."

Friday June 9, 2017 - WPF (White Paper Friday) #1 - Bitcoin

I am beginning at the most obvious starting point, the Bitcoin white paper. You can find a copy of it here. I highly recommend checking this white paper out, even if you think my white paper Friday tradition is ridiculous. Whether you are a Bitcoin believer or not, without Bitcoin, there would likely never have been Steemit. So for that reason alone, print yourself out a copy and have at it.



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