I am a New user! Get to know me!

Hello everyone! I hope you all are in good health and spirit. I am a new user here, so everything is kind of looking a bit strange to me, but I hope with the passage of time and your support I will soon learn everything. I am a content writer, and I blog daily on read.cash and often on noise.cash as well.
As it is my first post here so I think I must start with my introduction as it will help me in interacting with you guys in a better way.
My name is Raheela and I live in Pakistan. I have recently post graduated in the field Molecular Genetics from one of the well reputed universities of my country.
My Hobbies:
I love doing photography and blogging. First let's talk about photography. I am a nature lover. Rain, clouds, sunsets, and natural views facinate me a lot. This love of mine for nature has kind 9f made me a photographer. I capture such natural beauties which I will show you in detail in my upcoming articles.


As far as content writing is concerned, I love it too. I have been on both noise.cash and read.cash for a long time. Writing articles and interacting with people and getting to know their point of views is my favorite thing to do.
My favorite Food:
I am a big foodie by the way. Going to different restaurants and trying out various cuisines is something that I am highly into and hopefully I will come up with an interesting article about it as well. Biryani is my favorite food without any doubts as of course most of the Pakistani and Indian people like it the most.


Other than that I love Pizza and lasagna. I can make all of these dishes by the way. I am not much into cooking but when you like something you kind of learn to make it.
Last but not least, I am a huge tea addict.


Tea is something that I live for. Whether I feel lethargic or I am in a bad mood, just bring me tea and you will se my best mood. Actually tea has nicotine which causes addiction so that must be the reason for my tea addiction.
Apart from tea, another thing that brightens up my mood is rain. As I said I am a nature lover, and those who understand and love nature, know that nature is healer and rain being a part of it, definitely heals my mind and soul.


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