Niche Makes a Start...

On a summer night twenty-four years ago, a girl was born. She was a small infant who spent her days crying and drinking milk, like most babies. Her childhood was spent in the countryside; climbing trees and running around in an open field. Her future was uncertain, a mystery, such is the destiny of everyone.

That girl is me, Niche.


Currently, I am a public school teacher, who is often mistaken as one of the senior high students when not wearing a uniform. I have always loved reading and writing, ever since I discovered it when I was just a midget at the elementary level. I have always aspired to be a novel writer, dabbing into different genres before I fell in love with fantasy. It does sound a bit mainstream and many people already do it and pursue it, but I still write. I only write for fun so my imagination can run wild.


Personally, I think I’m a little strict, frank, and definitely a geek. Not in a bad way of course, but I can’t claim I’m a geek in a good way either (does such a thing even exist?). Well, I read random things on the internet, and I’ve been dubbed a walking encyclopedia. I was even called a Miss Know-It-All (pointing to JK Rowling’s Hermione Granger) at times and I can definitely pull off the accent.

Appearance-wise, I look plain; black hair (that can only be tamed via rebond), light brown eyes, petite body, and height, and I definitely have the famed ‘kayumanggi’ skin common among my countrymen. I’ve had a bad case of acne lately, but camera effects definitely bring wonders.


As a child, my dream career had always been changing; from a teacher to a lawyer and back to a teacher again, but in the end I chose to be a teacher. If you ask me why I can’t answer. Even now, my view on my wants and my dreams regarding a career is a little bleak. But if asked what my aspirations would be, I’d say writing. Creative Writing is my passion and I would love to focus on it when given the chance. Other than that, it would be traveling. As someone whose life revolved around one place their entire life, I have always dreamed of traveling to many places. My dream destination is Japan (anime lovers be like that). I’ve always wanted to see their shrines, temples, and castles, and witness the sakura trees in full bloom during spring. If possible I want to visit as many places as I can.


(Photo taken from

One of the places on my bucket list is Greece. I’d love to personally see the Acropolis. I’ve always been fond of Greek Mythology and I’d love to see something related to it. Then there’s New York in the US of America. I’d like to check if Camp Half-Blood exists in Long Island.

Locally, I’d love to visit the windmills in the Ilocos Province at some point and see the beauty of the Mayon Volcano with my own eyes. Then there’s the crystal blue waters and fine white sand beach of Boracay.

There are many places I want to go!


Relationship-wise, I am single. I still live with my elderly parents in the countryside. I currently have ten older siblings and over twenty-five nephews and nieces. A lot? Definitely. I do plan on living independently in the future like my siblings but that is yet to see. My father seems to be not ready to let me go yet and I still have a curfew despite my age. My family rarely goes on a trip, my father being the homebody that he is, and if we do go somewhere we don’t do overnights.

My family is huge and whenever there is a celebration at home, it’s always like a fiesta!

My family currently has six dogs and I love all of them. The dogs might not be trained and can be a hassle whenever they want to snuggle with me, even run away whenever I try to bathe them, but they’re family, I suppose. My dad and older brother are also raising chickens (both for food and for sport) but I try to stay away from them ever since one tried to claw my eyes out when I was a kid.

Life is okay and is stable at the moment, but… I’m looking for more.


Ever since I was in high school, I have gained a few hobbies which stayed even until today. Despite being a teacher with a busy schedule and tons of paperwork, I still do those hobbies whenever I can. My hobbies consist of reading books and manga, writing my novels, watching anime and Kdrama, and playing video games (I currently have only two games on my phone). Once in a while, I do my hobbies to relieve boredom and most of the time to get over my stress.


(Photo taken in-game using my account.)

As of the moment I’m hooked on reading fanfictions, binge-watching old, famous, and classic anime I can get my hands on, playing Genshin Impact and tears of Themis, waiting for the new episodes of Bad Prosecutor and Bleach, and despairing at the fact that I have writer’s block. In between those, I plan my lesson plans, write my test papers, attend my master’s classes, complete my paperwork, and fantasize about the scenes of my novel which I somehow couldn’t put into words.

Wow, I am busy. Hahaha!

Knowing HIVE

I was introduced to HIVE by a colleague and her acquaintance (thanks @callmesmile and @indayclara, @missleray too!). Miss Clara conducted a short orientation sometime during October. I can clearly remember it being a Friday since it’s the only day when we have a lot of free time.


At first, I was a bit doubtful. I do have experience in posting things online (since I post my novels on online platforms and I do have a WordPress account) but I’ve never heard of HIVE or PeakD. Perhaps my Discord friends know of it but it’s been so long since I went online. I was afraid of getting scammed to be honest since I’m a perfect victim of such schemes (tested and proven), but with @callmesmile involvement and statement (and @missleray), I was relieved and decided to give it a try.


I am currently in a slump with my writing, had a lot of sessions with my therapist and I just want to destress. I thought that maybe, sharing articles, narratives and my overall experience at the site can loosen up my stressful life. Writing for me is an outlet to relieve my stress. Writing/typing my novels and doing my paperwork, makes me forget my problems, but it also creates an entirely new problem at times, but I’m satisfied with it. Seeing the outcome with my own eyes, and knowing I did a good job at what I was doing feels good.

On this site, I’m planning on sharing my new novels, promoting my old ones, giving reviews about many things, and the like. The only thing I can hope at the moment is that I can hang in there and not be consumed by the stress.


Goals, huh. The thought always evades me, to be honest. I grew up wanting to do something but can never do it due to the fear of not being permitted to do so. Mentally, I think I’m at the level of a teenager. Despite being a teacher already, I’m still a little vague about what I really want to do and what I want to pursue. Being heavily reliant and a stickler for the rules does that.

For now, I want to share my thoughts with the people who are interested to do so. I’m not much of a talker, to be honest, and I’m even more of a coward when sharing my feelings verbally. As I have already stated, writing has always been my outlet, and I’d probably continue doing so. I just hope this site can be that place for me.

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