Introduction of 'Matter Manipulator' aka Artist Lynda Leonard.....hello from Kansas City

I learned of SteemIt from my friend Leah Stella Stephens aka Stellabelle when she began posting about SteemIt on Choose Yourself Facebook group.   I am totally intrigued with the wonders of the internet and being connected to the world via one's fingertips or now smartphone. What an awesome time we live in and the wonders we get to share as we all move into a higher consciousness. The vision that SteemIt looks to be is mind boggling and I want to join the fun. 

I am Lynda J Leonard, 'Matter Manipulator' aka Artist I have to thank Mike Dooley for the term, 'Matter Manipulator', which fits well with what I am doing creatively. I have always collected odd objects that cross my path with the idea that they would find a home in a project. I love the magic that happens when disparate items are brought together in ways not thought of before. I consider these found treasures gifts from the universe, later mixing them with other discarded/saved treasures to give new life and meaning to what others may consider trash. The history, color, shape, texture of these items tell a story that enhances and brings transformation, new life and meaning to items discarded by others. 

As a mixed media artist, my goal is to create works that reflect our history, layers of experience, connections, puzzles, lessons...the mystery and magic of transformation in life. My work is about places in the heart, places in the mind, spaces in time. The “continuum of winds, circles, patterns, change” is a title and theme for my art that continues to intrigue. This theme symbolizes the recurring issues, problems, lessons, and experiences that we find ourselves going through, individually and collectively, as we go through this ‘beautiful mess’ we call Life!. I find this theme recurring in my thoughts and ideas continue to come to me that relate to the continuous river of life events, that I see symbolically as winds, circles, patterns, change depicted with the use of geometric symbols as pyramids, circles, spirals and other sacred geometry symbols. 

My exploration of 'papercrete' (shredded, recycled paper mixed with concrete) came from stumbling across a DIY Yahoo Group talking about this stuff called, 'papercrete' that they were using to build adobe type buildings. I experimented with small batches and now consider it a plausible art material that I am excited to explore to create larger works. Papercrete is a malleable material, that I tend to work/treat like clay. (Since I sold my kiln, potters wheel and most other related materials to move from Santa Fe to KC and don't do clay.) I am having lots of fun learning what materials work with it and what can be done with it. I like the idea of saving paper and other matter from landfill and seeing what new energy can be given to what otherwise is considered trash. 

The phrase 'everything is energy' has always intrigued me and now I seek to give a visual context to how energy can be transformed from one form to another by 'manipulating matter'. I am a 'Matter Manipulator' aka Artist, exploring 'papercrete', mixed media, and found objects. Reuse, recycle, re-purpose, reclaim, re-invent is my modus operandi. 

I try to live by this filter in making choices or taking action in my life and this wonderful Dr. Suess quote. "Is it Kind? Is it True? Is it Necessary? Will it Matter When I Am 85?!?" "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those that mind don't matter and those that matter don't mind." ...Dr. Suess 

I playfully refer to myself as 'Lylabird', a nickname acquired from roommates in my Santa Fe, NM days. The symbol ~ljl~, using my initials, represents 'Lylabird', a 6' dragonfly in disguise (my alter ego?). I once read that such creatures actually existed during the time of the dinosaurs. What a magnificent site they must have been. Lynda / Lylabird / ~ljl~     dy>   !X

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