Hi Hivers!

My name is Olurunmaiye Oluwakemi but you can just call me Kemi. My name makes alot of people think I'm Yoruba (one of the most popular ethnic groups in Nigeria, West Africa) but nope, I'm not 🤗. I'm from Kogi State, Nigeria.


Make-up by me ✌

I'm a Make-up artist amongst other things. I love to read, write, explore and try out new things. I love looking good and I love making others feel great about themselves.

I love science but I sure love money more. 😅
I'm a final year student of The University Of Port Harcourt, studying Petroleum Engineering. Yes! I'm a beauty with brains.🥰
The University of Port Harcourt is located in Rivers, a state in Nigeria.

I try to be humble, because pride is one of the things I dislike the most. Dishonesty is another. I love music and I love watching movies.



It all started when I was about 9 years old, it was my sisters wedding. I saw how beautiful she looked when she had her make-up done and I found her looks and the whole make-up process intruging. She was beautiful already, but the makeup made her even more stunning and I found that really exciting.

So I started making up myself, it was light make-up in the beginning as I was still in secondary school. I would use just lipgloss and powder.

My other older sister then went on to learn how to make-up when she got into the university. This increased my interest in make-up and I was ready to learn and do full and professional make-ups but at I was scared, I was scared of being laughed at. I had seen a lot of people mess up the brow lines and made fun of and I didn't want that.

But I wasn't going to let a simple brow line hold me down. I started taking lessons on YouTube, Instagram while practicing with my face. And I sure wasted alot of my sister's make up. 😅 But it was worth it.

I went on to do my first proper make-up and I got alot of compliments and that built my confidence. The brows I drew that day remains my favourite till this day and I just can't seem to get that exact replica.

Funny how sometimes, somethings we don't expect to turn out good turns out to be great.
Quite unfortunate I don't have a picture of it but here are some pictures of make-ups I have done ever since then.

ALL photos of me for the sake of client's privacy




Fast forward to when I got into the university I started taking make-up alittle more seriously. I would do make ups for friends, clients on their birthday or for an event.
I went on to create my brand : LOLA'S GLAM. Where I offer all sort of make-up services.

Looking back, I see how much I have developed as a person and as a makeup artist and I'm really grateful for it. I am not perfect but I keep learning and working myself and my skills by the day.

You can contact me on Instagram @the_real_maiye



I see Hive as a place where I can share my thoughts and my work, my art. I see it as a place where I can network with a lot of people while learning about new things because I believe in continuous learning.

I want to say thank you to @samostically for introducing me to this great platform. I've moved around alittle bit and I must confess this is a great place to be for every creative.

I hope to have a nice experience here and I'm looking forward to exploring the community more.

I hope I will be able to inspire people with my art and be able to contribute greatly to this great community!


Happy child

Thank you for reading!❤

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