Start of Something New | A Hive Introduction

“Enjoy the space between where you are and where you want to be.” - The Feel Better Club

Hi, my name is Kate, and the journey to explore the Hive universe is about to begin.

I was first introduced to this platform by two of my colleagues. While the notion of earning for the content you produce sounds appealing enough, for someone like myself who also enjoys writing almost anything, I suppose why not give it a shot?


Have you ever wondered what it really means to become your authentic self and live life on your own terms? As they say, no one can fully know themselves. Even I am still on the verge of discovering my true self.

I am a cat lady and I have the worst sense of direction. I have an extremely hazy recall of events, conversations, places, and people in general. Though I find it quite an advantage because that makes me a very good confidant on secrets.

I am a self-confessed corporate slave. I used to work in a bank for four years before transferring to a publishing company as a Marketing Services Associate.

The reader in her reading slump era

I love to read books and immerse myself in new worlds through the pages. Nothing calms the anxiety after a long, tiring day like reading a book does.

Unfortunately though, I am currently in a very bad reading slump. I know it's quite common and happens to the best of us, but it can be very frustrating at times, to say the least. I have so many books piling up on my never-ending TBR shelf. But I am trying to read shorter or lighter books now to help me ease back into the habit. I’ll definitely talk more about this in my succeeding blogs.

Weekend Hikes and Nature Endeavors

Since I’m in my reading slump era, the timely discovery of being a nature enthusiast offers a refreshing escape. These days, you can often find me hiking with friends and watching documentaries about our planet. That’s how I usually spend my weekends.

I am most thankful to my friend and colleague, ate @mariasalve, who influenced me in this kind of activity. And to @ybanezkim26 for onboarding me on this platform. It's nice to have people who inspire us to explore new interests and discover the joys of the outdoors.

And the journaled journeys begin…

In April 2020, I decided to create a WordPress account and start blogging. The blogs I’ve written and posted were never meant to be shared. It was a way of expressing all the emotions in the deepest recesses of my heart that no one knew about.

Hive and this opportunity to share my thoughts and escapades and connect with others, is a little bit overwhelming and exciting at the same time. Navigating through topics, finding my unique voice, and reaching an audience all seem like big challenges. However, I'm eager to dive in, learn along the way, and channel this excitement into creating contents that resonate with both myself and potential readers. I'm stepping into something meaningful, and I'm ready to embrace the journey with enthusiasm and an open mind. So I really do hope for the best of this journey.

A fresh start isn't a new place, it's a new mindset.

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