I JoBelieve in Hive! - A self-introduction!

Hello Hive! I am Jobelle, 30, from the Queen City of South, Cebu, particularly in the Northern part. I am a public school teacher for 5 years now. I am also a mother of two little not-so-naughty kids and happily married to my one and only, hardworking, and loving husband.


When in Daanbantayan Escapade...

We’ve been together for 8 years and I never regret marrying him as he is the one I prayed for. The beginning of our relationship was not that easy because he already has two daughters which I only knew after 2 months of dating. I had the chance to quit our relationship but my heart screamed NO! I am the type of person who loves only one person and he is my first true love. To cut it short, we’re still together! Maybe I can share my love story with you guys on my next blog. 😉.

The following are the things I love to do!


I am not an expert nor a graduate of professional cooking, however, I love cooking, and that’s why I made my husband fall in love with me! 😆 Anyway, I have a story to tell!

Way back in high school, I worked as a dishwasher in our neighborhood eatery. We are seven in the family and I wanted to lessen my parents’ expenses so I wanted to help them in any way I can. As soon as the owner knew that I can cook, she left me to take care of the eatery because she was scheduled to fly to Manila as her daughter had labored. And I was like, what?! OMG! How can a 16-year-old girl manage the eatery? I had so many questions running through my mind, but one thing is for sure, I knew I could do it and I believed in myself.

I had to stop working at the eatery after a year due to illness. I had a gastric ulcer because I didn’t eat. Sounds ironic, right? I work in the eatery but I didn’t eat because I wanted to sell every bit of food there was. Don’t you worry, I am healed now and I eat a lot too! 😂 I am thankful to the owner for those experiences I had which I also applied in my married life.


“The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” – Anonymous

Every weekend, I explore different dishes, meriendas, and food experiments. I feel elated when I cook with my family. My 2-year-old daughter pulls a chair whenever I’m cooking and helps me, too. The joy I feel when I see them eating with delight! Sharing with you a little bit of trivia, I cook popcorn to sell at the school for five pesos each pack. I got to earn while enjoying my passion!


Traveling to different places makes our souls free from toxicities and is a way of relaxing our minds. Did you know that I started to travel when I got married? Yes! Because my husband is as supportive of me, lol.

My first travel was to Capitancillo Islet, historically named Islote de Captitoncillo. Last October 2019, I went there with my co-teachers as we celebrated teachers’ day. It is far from the city where we have to ride a boat from the port of Tabogon. When we arrive at the island, we were amazed by the perfect view. The islet was surrounded by crystal clear water with peaceful and relaxing vibes. The abandoned building was like a maze. It has a lighthouse that is known to be the oldest in Cebu Province. We tracked every detail of the islet and found a perfect place where we can swim. Honestly, I don’t know how to swim but I tried to thread the water and it feels good.


Capitancillo Islet


Beautiful structure in Capitancillo Islet with the lighthouse

Next, I experienced the Daanbantayan escapade with my beautiful colleagues. We got there by riding a barge from Hagnaya Port. From there, we rented a tricycle to take us to different places. It has plenty of places to dine in, a resort to visit, and a sanctuary to recognize. We’ve been to Omagieca Oboob Mangrove Garden, a ruined house by the sea, a so-called place where we had our lunch and dinner.


Amazing bridge in Camp Sawi, but with a twist, Camp Wagi at the end of the bridge


In Omagieca Oboob Mangrove Garden


Wonderful resort on Daanbantayan Island


Not to brag but I can emcee or host an event such as a birthday party, seminar, debut, and intramurals in school. I am not an expert nor have proper training with this, but I believe I can so I did. The first time I hosted an event was supposedly a school-based but rather the entire municipality! Honestly, that was my first time! My knees trembling, my voice shaking, and I think the fastest beating of my heart. 😵 Once I finally reached the end of the event (although it was not perfect) my heart was filled with gratitude.


Reasons why I am here…

I knew about this platform from @missleray and @callmesmile as they shared it with our group of teachers. I was amazed when I read their blogs! I like it too! When I was young, I used to write poems and stories even if they were just my imagination. Now, I have a chance to broaden my knowledge and develop my writing through Hive.


@indayclara enthusiastically conducted the Hive seminar together with @missleray and @callmesmile who also shared their blogging experiences, how purposeful their first payout was, and shared some newbie tips. So, thank you guys for this opportunity where I can express my thoughts, and feelings, and spread positive vibes.

In addition, I love reading articles, getting connected with people, interacting, and communicating with them to learn more. I am an open-minded person and willing to learn from this amazing platform. Thank you so much, everyone!


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