Just another newbie

Hello everyone, my name is Jennifer. I am new to Steemit as of yesterday. Forgive my late intro, I just prefer to kind of get a feel for new platforms before I introduce myself. My 24 hours or so on here have been wonderful so far. I have really enjoyed reading people's stories and actually getting to engage in a little bit of conversation. I appreciate having this outlet to be able to have civil conversations with people. My main platform up until now has been Facebook but it has become so toxic in political divide I can hardly stand to look at it.

How I got here? Well, I guess it started a couple months ago when I stumbled across a YouTube video of Milo Yiannoupolos. Such a troll that one ;) I suppose it was his talks that really opened my eyes about how in danger free speech really is and is becoming. I was blown away at how college campuses react to dissenting opinions and how disrespectful some of the audience members can be. It then occurred to me, that not only is he being physically silenced in the room itself, but that these screamers and protesters have the backing of school administration, mainstream media, globalist funding, and legislation. How is it that we have so quickly become a society that is so threatened with differing opinions and what do we as a society look like in the future. Is this a relatively recent phenomenon or have I only recently began to give it some real thought? I'm not even sure myself all I know is that things are looking a little bleak right now. I have hope for a brighter tomorrow though. Thanks for reading and I can't wait interact with some new internet friends! Take care all! #NewToSteem

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