
Hy peeps.

My name is David. Sometimes called Greatdavison, You wondering how I got the name greatdavison, well I got that from friends who taught I smtimes overwhelm them with my abilities and some unbelieveable stuffs which I have pulled off overtime. So the name great was added to David, it then became greatdavison.

Even though I was initially shy at first to take up the name as I never wanted to be assumed too good in anyone's eye.I only wanted to be me, that guy who respect everyone not just for who they are but for who they can be, yes I always imagine the best in everyone.

Well I always knew I was a great guy, striving for the best, not just because some persons thought so, this made me determined not to let anyone's opinion change that, so I choose to remain focus not relying on the applaud or criticism of others

The time never stops and so must we; we all have to keep moving. Happiness is not given it is a choice we all have to make, I made mine long time having learnt this principle give good to others and U will get better in return

Yea, I guess that is why I am here to give my good to Steemit

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