Road to 25; An Introduction


If someone, anyone had told me that 15 days to my 25th birthday, I still wouldn't know what to do or what I am doing as a young woman in this age and time, I would scream a loud "You're lying" at them.

Time does catch up with us a lot faster than we hope, doesn't it? To be absolutely honest, every single time I thought about what my birthday would be like, I would imagine a gorgeous photoshoot on a beach somewhere; Me in an obviously expensive dress and feeling good about where I am in life, with the caption "This is 25."

I might still do the caption, however, I am no where near where I thought I would be right now, and to be honest, It doesn't bother me that much anymore.

Some months ago, I would say to my closest friend that I reject the age I'm turning this year, that I identified as a 20 year old. It was a joke, but it wasn't a joke. I am terrified of growing old.

My fear of growing old has nothing to do with the numbers, but everything to do with my status. Mostly financial status.

Isn't it a bit crazy that this is what we early and mid-twenties have to think about now rather than just worrying about our raging hormones and how to outwear ourselves. Well, there is still that, but the financial pressure is the absolute worst.

I wonder how bad it will get for the generation after us. They would probably start feeling like failures if they are not rich before their 18th birthday, It's all so sad.

Anyway, I'm turning 25 on the 9th of October and I think I

might just throw a party this year, because why the hell not??!!

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