RE: Lucky To Be Alive

Welcome to Hive, and I hope you recover quickly. When I arrived, I struggled to navigate due to the language barrier, making the task challenging. I found the right tools for translation, and people took the time to explain how to proceed for better success. The first thing to note is that all photos must be yours. If not, you must mention it in your text. Plagiarism is not tolerated here, and that is entirely normal. When writing an article, try to write at least 250 words, as you can see at the top right of your creation page. Your introductory article has Words: 1174. Well done! Choose the right community when creating an article and adhere to the community rules, which may vary. Some communities do not accept any use of AI, while others tolerate it with the condition that you specify its use. Be patient; votes may not come immediately, but do not be discouraged and persist. In my case, I returned to Hive last August after over a year of absence due to a lack of time. Read other bloggers' articles, vote for what you like, and leave comments. It will show them that you exist, and if they like what you produce, they will likely vote for your work. For me, Hive is not primarily a source of income; rather, it is a stepping stone that gives visibility to my art. It also allows me to improve through the feedback received, opening doors in my real, non-digital life with a portfolio to present for selling my work. I derive inspiration from Hive through the ideas each person gives me, enabling me to create freely. Everything I do on Hive today was not something I did before. Hive has mainly allowed me to discover myself. The rest, such as the possibility of earning some money, is a bonus. We are a community, a family, and it is essential to respect each other. Good work, and welcome among us. One last note: be careful not to let your voting power drop below 75%, as it may take a long time to recover. Also, daily presence will give you more visibility. Even if you do not produce articles, you can vote for the work of others.

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