Who am I?

Greetings! My name is Mary Rose.

To be honest, I have a hard time introducing myself. I could tell you that I'm a mother, a daughter, a sister, a dancer or a caregiver. I could describe to you how I occupy my time. I could tell you my interests and beliefs. But none of those things would tell you who I really am. I can show you a picture of my "shell" but that is still not me.

I've never really fit in to any group because I prefer my own way. Yes, I spent years trying to fit in different places. I tried to be a certain person in order to get accepted by others. But with experience, there comes a time when you yearn to be free of all of that. You desire to be authentic. And that finally comes when you learn to accept and embrace yourself, just as you are.

I'm a work in progress. I think I always will be. What I believe today may change tomorrow. Because above all, I love to grow. Like a flower reaching towards the Sun, I'm always searching for more. I'm searching for more understanding, more ways to express and share love, more ways to connect and more ways to serve.

I've discovered that each day, each moment is a gift. Every experience is there to take us to the next level. Every person you meet has something to teach you. And you also have something to teach them. For there is nothing in creation that is a waste of space.

So, this is me. Or you can call it my shell. I'm happy to be alive. I'm happy that I've come to a place of self-acceptance. I'm happy to have the opportunity to connect with others and share experiences in this amazing universe. I don't have everything figured out and that's what makes it beautiful!

Thank you for reading. :)

Love and blessings to you, my other self.

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