My Hive introduction post


Hello Hivers! I am Aphrodite and I’m sure you can figure it out that this is just a pen name, that I’d prefer you to address me. I am from Sarawak, Malaysia. I am very excited to start my Hive journey with you although I actually already wrote some posts prior to this but I figured it would be great if I can talk more about myself. Before I start following and reading your posts, let me spill a little bit of info about myself.

My life story begins in a small town called Limbang, in Sarawak, Malaysia, sandwiched by Sabah state and Brunei - another small neighbouring country. By sandwiched I mean, we are basically just stuck between these two as you can see it in the map attached here you'll know what I mean. I was born and raised there in a family of 8 which consists of my parents, and 6 siblings including myself. I’m the second child, eldest daughter, with 2 brothers and 3 younger sisters, you do the math. Hehe.


My late father was an Iban (Sea Dayak), and my mother is a Bidayuh (Land Dayak), so I am a mixed of both, I can speak/write in 3 languages- Malay, English and Iban, and I wish I can speak Bidayuh as well, one of the biggest regret in my life since I have a Bidayuh mother! All thanks to my late father who didn’t encourage us to learn that language for some reasons. And I grew up resenting at myself for not taking my own initiative to learn this language.

Fast forward to 2022, I am now residing in Subang Jaya, Selangor, working from 9.30-7.30 from Monday to Saturday in a pet shop since 2013. Been through many ups and downs in my life since I decided to leave my hometown to pursue my studies in a local university and finally end up working here, a job that I have a love-hate relationship with, love the animals but hate the job you get what I mean? Lol.

If you’ve noticed already all my previous posts that I wrote, most of them are about cats, kinda. Yep, I’m that crazy cat lady, never ashamed to admit this. I love cats. I do love dogs too… I love animals. I basically love nature. Period. I think they’re the greatest creations of the universe/God/or any other being you want to call. But unfortunately I don’t own a cat or a dog - oh, the irony.

With this I will attach some of the pictures I captured when I was back in my mother’s hometown, Danu Village, in Kuching Sarawak that I visited before the pandemic hit. I hope you enjoy the view.





The pictures down below is from my hometown in Limbang, they're just basically some random pics I took. I hope you enjoy the beautiful view.





Yes, they are all beautiful and I'm proud of being a Sarawakian. My hometown is beautiful and we have the biggest rain forest in asia. Green scenery with clear blue sky... With that being said I will end my introduction for today. I will write more soon whatever that is going on in my life. Thank you very much!

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