#IntroduceYourself @JayJayJeffery

To be honest with you, sharing who I am online is a little scary. I could go into all the reasons why but I won’t because you probably have a pretty good idea about that whole argument by now. The whole privacy issue. But here I am because I’m excited to be part of the birth of a new blockchain network.


I’m just getting done with a year long trip in my van. She’s a 1988 VW Westfalia. And she’s a trooper. We (my husband and dog are on the adventure too) left our home in Colorado looking for a different kind of lifestyle in a new town that fit our criteria but after a year of searching we are heading back. The whole trip was an inspiring adventure and I’ll give you all a recap sometime so keep an eye out. We just got back into the states from Alaska and I already miss Canada.

I suppose now I should tell you that I’m from California originally.

That I bring a pen and notebook to every live music show I attend and I write it all down, stream of consciousness style. I meet amazing people all the time and want to share those encounters with you all.

I play the bass. And I create whatever feels right.

One time I tried to make the worlds largest tape ball, I worked at a climbing gym and they use ungodly amounts of tape. The plan was foiled when it got to about chair height. Nobody understood that I was going to put the place on the map. I gave up when my coworkers taped a toilet seat to the top. I guess they wanted to be known for their climbing rather than for a giant tape ball. I get it. But the climbing community was a huge part of my life for years, over a decade. It’s been 3 years since I stepped away from that community. Just a change of pace and faces I guess.

It took me about 8 years to finally finish my degree. I’m a changeable person and kept coming up with new plans. I’m full of new ideas. My final degree was part of one of those design-your-own programs (which really makes it sound cheesy but was an amazing path to walk) that combined my passions for design, political science, and environmental science, hence the title I gave it, Sustainable Design Policy. With this I hope to expereince work creating new ways to sustain our ecosystems through resource conservation, watershed improvement, reclaimation, city planning, and community involvement.

I’ve had a variety of jobs from laser cutter and product designer, to rock climbing setter, to re-use non-profit work, employment in the outdoor sports industry, and more. I’ve attempted to start my own business a number of times too. The farthest I made it was with a food stand out of my VW Van called Sugaree’s Sugar Wagon. I learn a lot from failures. Enough that one day I won’t.

And one day I won’t get stopped at the dang border for the medicinal herbs I collect along the way. Yarrow and twin flowers and Labrador tea and rose petals. I’ve just in the past 2 years grown interested in herbalism and plant identification so I’ll share when I can. All confiscated at the border just now crossing back into the United States.

I’m also have a bit of knowledge about the financial system and the blockchain through association. It’s one of my husbands passions. He has also joined the Steemit community as @bitinformant

The other being I spend the most time with is passionate about treats and walks. This is the infamous “Trill Dog.” She will come up in my writing. You’ll get to know her well. Most recently she was kicked by a moose and broke her leg. I’ll post about it so you can see how she’s doing.


I’ll finish up by saying that I’m excited to be joining this community that I can take with me on my travels, that I can teach through my own failures, that I can read and learn from, and who I can create and curate meaningful and high quality content with. I’m here for honesty, for sharing, for learning, and for supporting a new community who can influence me, inspire me, and move me to action and who I can do the same for.

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