Oh hai little crypto baby

My other libertarian/crytpo-loving friends have turned me on to this new digital coin whos name is suspiciously similar to my other favorite digital platform, Steam (pc gaming distribution). So, I thought I would drop by and say hi.

A bit about me - I left the US for South America a couple years ago as I did not like the way things were going. I know threatening to leave the US is all the rage these days, but I did it before it was cool. So edgy.

I started a youtube channel to document the experience and share useful knowledge on travelling or living abroad, and I occasionally update it with a vid when I feel something needs to be shared. Here's one of the more recent updates:

I also started writing articles - well, AN article so far - on Liberty.me, and personally I think I come across better in written form:


I do want to challenge myself to do more writing, so more articles should be coming in the future, and I look forward to posting them on this crazy new platform a well!

So nice to meet all of you, and let me know if you have any questions about what I'm doing or what things are like south of the equator.

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