Hello Steemians - Let me introduce myself!

Hey Steemians,

I'm Zeeshan Taj, a nature-lover and a newbie in cryptocurrency trading and on Steemit.

It's since a month ago that I got interested in the cryptocurrencies. In fact, when Bitcoin crossed 4000 dollars first time in August, this news when I read on a technology blog really moved me to do an in-depth study of cryptocurrencies.

I knew I had already missed the train to make 1000 times gains by investing in Bitcoin or Ethereum. So I was searching for altcoins that could possibly rise substantially in future. I found a blog where the author listed five coins i.e. Ripple, Steem, IOTA, Siacoin and NEO. According to his analysis, these are undervalued yet and have great potential to rise. The ease with which one can actually become a part of steemit community and earn steem by posting content brought me here.

Other than studying cryptocurrencies, my favorite pastime is to reflect and ponder on the creation of God and I love to talk and write about my studies on this topic. Topics in this category include astronomy, zoology, botany, physics and other scientific facts. I will usually post articles on these topics and on cryptocurrencies which would be free of technical jargon. Thus, enabling any tom, dick or harry to understand and apply.

Further, I want to tell you about my education. I graduated from the University of the Punjab and currently I am pursuing chartered accountancy.

I am really excited at Steemit as it's a great platform to learn, teach topics of my interest. Moreover, I will regularly post content and hope that you people shall like it and follow my channel as it will be really useful to you.

Thanks, for Reading!

Please Upvote, Follow and Resteem to express Some Love! Don't forget to comment If you have any questions, I would be glad to help and If you people have any advice for me as a new user, I would love to hear!

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