Hello Steemit!! Yugen- Here To Contribute. Introducing Myself

Hello everyone! First of all i would like to say thank you
for giving me an opportunity to introduce myself.

My name Is Yugen, and I'm 21 years old
and I'm from Malaysia.

A little about myself. I'm a student at Manipal International University, Negeri Sembilan. Currently I'm doing my final year to get my degree in BBA ( International Business). I'm an only child in my family. Let's go into the interesting part. What I'm interested in? :

  1. I love to fix stuffs. In that case my hobby is building GUNPLA. It's a Japanese Cartoon based on robots. This is one my
    model I've built.


  1. I love to collect Action Figures & Hotwheels
  1. I love taking pictures. Mostly all my pictures i snap it from my handphone.

Past few months, i was doing some studying about Cryptocurrency & Blockchain Technology and then i found Steemit!!
Then i watched Youtube videos, like how Steemit works, what kind of benefit it gives us, what's in Steemit. In my way i define Steemit as "You Vote, You Post & You Earn".

So what will i do for you? As i told you, I love Gunpla's, Hotwheels, Collectible Stuffs & also Photography. I will definitely going to share to you all of these. Which will be my own work, what i built, pictures i took, any updates regarding movies. Movies??
Lol.. Yeah i love Marvel movies, especially collecting Action Figures of it.

So those who spend their time and effort reading until here, A special thanks to you all and please don't forget to upvote my post and if you're interested do follow me. Believe me!! My post would be interesting. See ya.

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