Hi! I'm Yrja :)


Hey there!

Happy to meet you all!!

This is my very first blog post outside my own website and I'm eager for it to be on a blockchain based platform. How cool is this?
A friend of mine who's been blogging here for a while introduced me to it and I jumped on immediately as I'm super fan of the blockchain technology. (You might already have read some of her posts, Susanne, check her out :))

So, who am I, who's Yrja in a few lines?

Well, I'm a passionate human being, interested in various things, mainly tech, science, future society and the human psyche.
I'm a truth seeker and always curious to learn and explore new things. I get nourished by challenging myself and putting myself out of the comfort zone.
My values are love, give and grow which is burned down to my core and the essentials of why I'm still alive, I guess.

I'm a firm believer in that finding meaning in the ups and downs in life, wether its suffering or bliss, is they key to contentment and happiness and a life of fulfilment.

I'd like to say that my mission is to spread awareness about the incredible future of technologies marching towards us, the human psyche and empower people to join in on transforming humanity.

I work freelance as a SoMe-, Community Manager & Content Creator.
Human relations where deep genuine meaningful conversations takes place is what I find the most empowering and enjoy the most in life.

I also enjoy long walks in the sun and running in the wilderness of nature and swimming.

I write on my novel and draw in my spare time and love connecting with new people. And of course I also spend lots of time reading a lot of tech, innovation and society development news and research,

Oh btw, I'm Norwegian and am located in Oslo at the present moment.

And, since you're already reading this - let's connect? I'd love to get to know you :)

If you are interested in learning more about me or connect you can check out my

instagram: @yrjaoftedahl
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1nY28dZkYve9rLu21TSOLg?view_as=subscriber
Or add me as a friend on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/yrjaoftedahl
or Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yrjaoftedahl/

Or perhaps you'd like to drop me an email?

Looking forwards to meet you :D

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