Hello Hive

Greetings from North Carolina to all of you beautiful people. I was asked to introduce myself to you all. You might be curious as to how I found out about Hive. A video about blockchain social sites popped up in my feed on YouTube. When I saw it, my curiosity got the best of me and I watched the video. I then began to research it more and liked what I was hearing. So now here I am.

If you are wondering how to pronounce my name, it is the singular form of the plural form of Seraphim. Seraphim are the creatures that are around God’s throne. I spell it as saraph, but in many places it is spelled seraph. I have been fortunate to be able to get that name wherever I go in the metaverse.
It looks like someone on Hive already took it, so I did the “xx” thing to be able to use it here. I chose that name because I wanted my online name to be bible-based but also would work in the VR community and other places. If you are wondering what I have on my head in my profile picture, it is my VR Headset.

My life consists of being a Christian, father/husband, messing around with AI Art, Pokemon Go, and hanging out playing games and talking with people with my Virtual Reality headset.

I want to give a shout out to @thekittygirl for helping me on the hive discord. Thank you for helping me get started.

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