Hello World!


Obviously my name is not “wanderingraven”, but you’re certainly welcome to refer to me as such. Although I would suggest simply using “raven” as it tends to roll easier off the tongue...or keyboard, as the case may be.

I’m just your typical musician-by-day, superhero-by-night with lofty dreams of adventure and an unquenchable affinity for bacon. (Yes, I am aware that bacon is bad for me. However, there seems to be a disconnect between my brain and my stomach, the latter having clearly not received the memo.)

I hale from the southern United States -Louisiana to be precise- and can tell you basically anything you could ever wish to know about sweet iced tea; I like to think I’m a bit of a connoisseur in that department. Although I consider myself from Louisiana, and am a die-hard fan of the LSU Tigers and the New Orleans Saints, I confess I do not live there. In fact, I live on a bus. I know, it’s a rather odd living arrangement, but I enjoy it more often than not.

I have been to 40 of the 50 United States, several Canadian provinces, England, Belgium, Guatemala, Jamaica, Uganda, Zambia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, and Amsterdam -so far. I suffer from a condition commonly referred to as “wanderlust”, and crave the adventure of experiencing different cultures.

While traveling is one of my greater passions, ranked directly above it is music. I’m sure you’ll be hearing quite a bit on both subjects from me.

I am passionate about some things, interested in many things, and curious about all things. I dabble in creative writing, mess around in culinary arts, pursue several sports, and have a deep affinity for photography. However, I will attempt to focus my energy on one or two topics so as not to overwhelm you.

That being said, let me know if I’ve touched on anything in this post that you would be particularly interested in hearing more about and I’ll make it happen.

I look forward to getting to know all of you. :)

With regards,

The Wandering Raven

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