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I am an entrepreneur and I'm going to build a DApp over EOS

Hello, my name is Viterbo Rodríguez, I am an entrepreneur and I want to tell you about that facet of my person that I am about to put to the test.

All my life I've been a born creator. Since I was a child I built my own toys. At home the budget was not enough to buy them so I found fun designing and building cardboard and paper prototypes.

Upon entering adolescence, my mother managed with a lot of effort to buy my first computer. At that time my only interest with that machine was the video games, but little by little it became the best tool to continue creating things, which is my true passion.

While I was still in high school, I spent a lot of my free time experimenting in different areas, in which there always existed a certain connection with the computer, in one way or another. I tried to get into graphic art, but it was very difficult for me to be self-taught with the Internet of that time. I also started in the music's world, where I was much better. At that time I learned to play guitar and used to meet with friends to sing and make covers our favorite songs. The computer played the role of a recording studio.

However, my passion was still being able to create videogames. Therefore, when choosing a career to study, I did not hesitate to choose Computer Engineering. I must admit that the first years were difficult, but with effort, I was approving the boring subjects to access the fun subjects. Until finally I graduated as an engineer, presenting a personal job as a my final degree project, related to the design and construction of 2D game engine.

That last stretch of the career was very exhausting. That's why since then I have dedicated myself to develop more personal aspects such as starting a family, a home, which led me to postpone my professional career for a while ... until now.

Today I return to my great passion as a creator driven by the discovery of a new technology that I am eager to use. I feel like that child who was given a new computer and ended up transformed into a great engineer. This time my new computer is called EOS blockchain and I plan to become a great technical entrepreneur based on this new and revolutionary technology.

So if you are an investor, or simply interested in following the history of my venture, follow me on Steemit. Also help me get to the people that you think you can be interested.