Hey Steemit! This is my first post!


Hello Steemit! I’ve been here for a couple of weeks now, learning my way around Steemit and I am starting with an introduce myself post. My name is Vera, I’m 26 and I’ve been on maternity leave for two years so far taking care of our son with @cookiespooky. Before that, I was a teacher in technical college and I realized that it was sooooo not my thing. I am horrified when I think of getting back there in several months. However, I have these precious several months of being a housewife and I’m really enjoying my time.


I like being with my child all day. I try to be a good and calm mom, not to bother about everything. Because when I do bother about things a lot, my husband starts bothering about me. Anyways, I do my best to see good in bad and be positive most of the time. Being around my son is really cool, because everything fascinates him and his emotions are so genuine. I can’t help smiling when he smiles and laughs about something. Seeing him happy makes my heart beat faster.


My husband @cookiespooky and I have been together since the university, almost 10 years so far, including 4 years of marriage. We have a lot in common and always understand each other.


As for my everyday life, it is actually pretty much always the same. Mom days as I call it. And I’d like to share some stories of this life with you. So if you are interesting in parenting and family life, welcome to my blog. I hope my blog will be interesting, informative and even helpful to you!

That’s the way the cookie crumbles! Stay tuned! Cheers!

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