insert generic introductory statement here
Just kidding. I am fucking terrible at these things.

I'm Ivy. I am sick as a dog at the moment and launching myself face (full of snot) first into the world of steemit. Wee!!!

I'm still trying to figure shit out, and I am completely rusty at HTML - I believe the last time I've used HTML was to pimp out my Myspace page with glittery gif images that spelled clever phrases such as "Meat Brassiere" or "First Pube."

I am a nurse by day,
a painter whenever,
photo 10928857_10152507284127751_1681261604763721683_n_zpsbbsmd0ia.jpg

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and an adventurer when my boyfriend @ghostfish drags me off the couch to do some daredevil shit.

Here is a photo I took of @ghostfish when we hiked balls deep into Skaftafell National Park in Iceland:
photo IMG_0850_zps1ef82rxu.jpg

I'm also a mom to a wonderful, funny, intelligent 13 year-old. ( I am biased of course. Ha!)
I write crappy angst-ridden poetry when the mood strikes me.

photo Photo on 9-29-16 at 10.02 PM_zpse60hijsl.jpg

It really was a joy to be a part of the first Steemit Minneapolis meet-up! Everyone was so accommodating and nice, and the food was tasty. Thanks to @kommienezuspadt for telling @ghostfish about all of this. :)

Ciao for now.


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