Nigeria issues

download (7).pngBeing a Nigerian can be baffling and annoyingly tiring, a ton of things are wrong with the nation. We wear supplicate, we wear tire!

We are on the whole endeavoring in this brutal economy and ideally sitting tight for the Best to come some time or another yet in the wake of working tiredly there are a few powers who will never stop to baffle the Hell out of us and these incorporate the Nigerian Police Force and their other sibling FSARS.

A considerable measure has been said in regards to Nigerian police drive (Black and Black) and SARS as of late which makes Nigerians made another hashtag #EndSARS development which took after arrangement of grievances shared online by Nigerian young people on charged badgering, strike by the Special Anti-burglary squad, (SARS) and the Nigerian police constrain (NPF).

It is a typical conviction that the police are your companions. Be that as it may, in a nation like Nigeria, the customary resident thinks the policeman is definitely not a companion and the SARS works just precisely like the Armed Robbers (Only be say one Operates amid the Day freely while alternate sneaks in around evening time).

A common Nigerian would rather not have anything to do with the police. Some call them a wide range of names and would evade them like a snake..

The truth of the matter is that the general population who are intended to watch over our lives and help secure our Properties are considerably more troublesome than the Robbers.

Each youthful Nigerians are currently reluctant to walk or move about amid the day, ask me for what valid reason? They fear SARS and Police and not as a result of Armed Robbers or Kidnappers

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