Hi my name is Charles. I thought I would introduce myself and my dog Ace to this awesome community.

My dog Ace ^

I hope this post can help someone else that has had similar struggles.

I struggled with social anxiety for years and made no progress. It took me years just to figure out what was going on. My mind would just go blank when trying to talk to new people or in situations where everyone is just standing around talking. Any mental preparation I would do would mostly be useless, but eventually I brought myself up to a level where I could actually talk to people and make friends. What made the difference was medication and board games! With medication it was just a matter of trying a lot until I found one that actually worked for me. I definitely give a lot of credit to science and modern medicine.

Board games helped because most board games don't really require conversation and so I could focus on playing the game without worrying about what I should say. They also allowed for conversation at my own pace and gave me the chance to meet new people and make new friends! So I just want to say if anyone has similar issues, give board games a shot! Even if you don't have huge issues with social anxiety it's still a good way to meet people. This is a picture of my 3 favorite board games. If anyone is interested in boardgames I suggest checking out http://www.boardgamegeek.com


My other hobbies are cryptocurrencies and books. I have been into Bitcoin since around 2011 and I look forward to all the innovative possibilities of the blockchain. I like how cryptocurrencies can remove the middle men and empower the people. I love how competitive the cryptocurrency scene is, and how fast it innovates. The more I read about Steemit the more it blows my mind! From what I have seen Dan seems like the biggest innovator in cryptocurrency and decentralized networks. I suggest everyone check out his blog it is fascinating. 

As far as reading goes I like fantasy and Science Fiction. A few popular series that I like would be: The Foundation, Harry Potter, Enders Game, Lord of the rings and A Song of Ice and Fire. 

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