Steemit's So Easy, A baby Can Do It!

Hi Steemers! My parents love to write on Steemit and think you guys are all pretty cool. Also they think this concept is revolutionary and should expand to other sites! I decided to make a post on my mom's account. My dad taught me code right when I got out of the womb so I'm pretty good since I'm 5 months old now.
My parents named me iLy, it stands for I Love You and is pronounced eye-lee.
I have made everyone that I know more happy ever since I came here. Which was March 3, 2016.
And that's not only because I'm freakin cute. I'm sweet and I'm pretty easy to soothe and comfort when I cry.
But their love for me goes deeper than that, it's probably instinctual if you ask me...

I think we were meant to find eachother :)

Look how happy they were to meet me!

This is a cute photo that I like of myself

I was pretty tiny at first!

Here's a photo from my newborn photoshoot!

My mom was so tired in the beginning! Now I've learned to sleep more all at once

Here's my mom and I at the pool. The water was too chilly for me! I was shivering :(

My dad and I love to go on walks on warm summer evenings!

Here's me and a couple of my friends, aren't we cute?!

Here's my dad and I sleeping, I was just a newborn and my mom took this photo, I love it!

Here's me sitting up on MY OWN at the beach, I was just chillin' watching my daddykins swim...

Here's me in my stroller, I LOVE watching all the beautiful trees on our street

My dad and I were walking through town in this photo, he holds me even though I'm getting heavy!

If he wasn't my dad I probably would be crushin!

My dad is obsessed with my bunny hat, Whatever makes him happy makes me happy!

I'm posting this one cause I think my mom and I look pretty cute together

There are so many photos of me, and I could probably post close to a million, but I'll end it with this one from the other day...

This is how you guys make me feel! Full of JOY! I'm excited to be born during this time period because Steem is awesome!

I'm excited for my next post already!

Sending Love,

Oh! And here's proof we're real!

I Ran Out of Steam! Get it! ;)

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