Introducing myself

Hi there fellow esteemed sentients,

Who I am.

My name is Ken, and I live in Brisbane, Australia.


Born in 1975, at the time of this writing, I am a 41 year old, possibly white entitled and mostly cis-male. I don't believe you have to be trans to be allowed to wear pink or paint your nails, or enjoy buying nice clothes for and dressing up your wife / kids. Perhaps I am deluding myself though…

My online personas.

I go by several online monikers, namely triddin and norganna.

I am a keen open-source software developer and have a couple of popular releases under my belt, most of which you guys will likely have never heard of:

Other things about me.

Apart from these things I've done, I am also a recovering type 2 diabetic, and a keen follower of the LCHF lifestyle. I'm sure I'll write up some stories about my experiences with this at a later date. I am actually getting to be a little bit of a ketovangelist, so making some of these stories public and possibly helping some people in similar situations is really high on my to-do list.

-Edit- I've started a series of posts about my experience with dealing with my diabetes: My Diabetes Story and will fill in the remaining part of the story as I can.

Thank you, and I'm really glad to have found this place. I have one of my close friends to thank for introducing me to it, and I think it's a superb concept. I look forward to getting to know you all better.

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