Please allow me to introduce myself...

Hello, Steemians!

My name is Thomas, or Thom, if you are one who enjoys brevity, nicknames, or any combination of the two. I have been very eager to join the Steemit community since hearing of it, and browsing many of the artful, insightful, and inspiring submissions.


I am married to the endlessly talented Ellicia. Though I had once convinced myself that I was content as Autonomous Thom, pursuing a life sustained largely by music, no matter how meager my existence, the very sight of her made me realize I was dead wrong. Anything I could have possibly conceived as right or fulfilling, prior to seeing her, had surely been a farce. Her eyes captivate, and somehow reflect everything that surrounds. Her smile commands. Her voice is music. I highly recommend that you follow her.


Our household would surely be drab, were it not filled with our three beautiful girls:

Kylee- whose brilliance and creativity are nothing short of astounding. I am assured that she could capture the world with art, lead a developed country, or possibly both, simultaneously. She, too, would certainly enrich your life, once you follow her.

Lily is not only vivacious, but her lightning quick wit always leaves one realizing they are several steps behind. Her capacity for knowledge and memory are virtually super human. Her smile has the heart warming power of a monsoon of golden retriever puppies.

Zinnia brings enormous personality and attitude in a very diminutive package. Her love of music, dancing, books and drawing are nearly paralleled by her sheer disdain of strangers, loud laughter and surrendering to sleep.


Prior to meeting these amazing women, I was consumed with all things music. I began playing in the school band, as many do, but my pure obsession began with watching my dad play guitar. I have been enthralled ever since. Over the years, I have done session work, played in several bands, and even had the privilege of touring the country a few times. Sometimes, privilege looks like sleeping in a van in the dead of winter, but I digress.

I greatly look forward to growing and learning within this unique and intriguing community. I hope that I can bring something to the table that you enjoy.


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