Who am I?

Hello, Steemit Community!
I am Shevanne Cabaling. Some pronounce my name as 'Shevan.' Some also pronounce it as 'Shevani.' HAHA. But for me, it is okay to call me either way. Since elementary up to now, people are confused on how to pronounce my name especially when it's the beginning of the school and instructors of different subjects would ask me how is the proper pronunciation of my name. Enough about my name. Ok. HAHA.

I am 22 years old and currently taking up Dentistry at the University of Baguio. image.jpeg

When I was a fresh graduate from high school back then, my father insisted that I will take HRM at the same university since he heard that the course was in demand. But my Aunt, his sister, who is a Dentist and a graduate from UB, convinced me to take up Dentistry. Dentistry sounds new to my ear back then so I decided to enroll in the course and also with the help of those staff from UB who went to our school to promote their university, I was encouraged and it helped me decide on what course to take.

Aside from that, I have this aweful childhood experience I cannot forget even up to now. When I was 6 years old, I constantly have toothache that keeps me awake all night. My father brought me to a quack dentist in our locality. The treatment area of this "dentist" is an open shed in front of his house and you can see bottles full of extracted human teeth hanging from the branches of the tree. Beside the shed is a canal full of blood which serves as the spittoon for the patients after their extraction. He extracted my molars without any anesthesia. And I was screaming at the same time crying and crying and crying. . .Anyway, I think that escalated my pain threshold.

So now you all know why I'm still striving to become a professional dentist in the future.😀

My father is a farmer for decades. Our municipality is known to be the highest producers of vegetables in the country. image.jpeg


I have 3 siblings, 2 older sisters and only one brother.

For my hobbies, I have nothing interesting in particular. I just love eating. 😆🍕🍕

I like volunteering myself to events like dental mission so that I can help those in need of free dental services and contribute to their welfare.

Thanks for reading until this point. 🤗🤗

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