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My First Post and Plans For @thepoliticalpost !!!

This is a glorious day as I am so thrilled to be on Steemit! First, a little bit about me, then I will tell you about some exciting news for this page!
I am a political junkie who can't get enough of the daily insanity that the Trump administration has turned the media into, on all sides. I consider myself a fiscal conservative but socially liberal, meaning, shrink the government, let people keep more of their paycheck, and stay out of everyone's bedrooms. What people want to do on their own time or in their own house, good for them.

I believe very strongly in our military, police, fire, and first responders. They are heroes. But the biggest hero in someone's life shouldn't be an athlete or movie star, it should be their parent. And I am a proud father of a 5th grade daughter.
Now the EXCITING NEWS! I am partnering up with @notmorningjoe to give you the best Political Podcast Every Day! Although we will tackle serious topics, we will do so in a fun and entertaining way. My co-host was heavily involved in the Mitt Romney campaign of 2012 and is a small business owner. I work in media and we both have strong opinions, and we surely don't always agree.

Our first "PolitiCast" will be out tomorrow night. In the meantime, we will be writing blogs everyday and would appreciate your feedback and support. The future is bright and I look forward to meeting you all!