I never wanted to believe in Digital Currency

Hi Steemsters! My name is Theresa and I never ever ever wanted to believe in digital currency!

"Bitcoin is a scam!!!"

First off, I'm not a writer, so please excuse the informal nature of my syntax and usage of emojis. I write how I speak. Mostly. So, Little about myself, I like hikes, outdoors, beer, weed, travel, beaches and whatever that gets me outdoors. For work, well, I'm kind of a researcher and I present numerous research materials to people needing to know various types of information to make important things happen. I'm really making it a lot bigger than it seems. Packaged differently; I'm a paid actress, with one heck of a memory and it's a full time gig. That's really all I'm allowed to say about that. :p

It's an office setting. Most of the time, I would be sitting near a window, reading a three-hundred page document, and presenting it to people with a very authoritative and knowledgeable voice. The rest of the time, I have hours of goofing off with nothing to really do. Until one day.

When I heard about Bitcoin, to me I strongly felt it was like Linden Dollars to Second Life - very expensive Monopoly money. HAHA!

Later on, while I was at work, I overheard a few 'buzzwords' of bitcoin in the distance from an office guy, let's call him Toby. The word's 'free' and 'awesome' came-up a lot and I found myself jamming my body between the circle saying, "So, what's this shit about Bitcoin, Toby?" He basically told me quite a bit about how to make free bitcoin by answering captchas every few minutes to an hour! I'm like, "Shut the front door! Your are kidding me?"

"Crypto Currency got me confused!"

He must of really wanted to share this whole amazing world of Digital Currency, because he offered dinner and drinks that same night. When the night finally was over, I quickly jumped out of the car, waved Toby sayonara and locked the door behind me.

It got weird.

I went straight to the computer and copied the links on a napkin Toby gave me when we were at the bar. He left some extra numbers on it which I accidentally scratched off when I was testing to see if the pen had any ink.

Not really Satoshi Nakamoto, but this is the coolest portrayal I came across! via. CoinDesk

A little history, Bitcoin started from a man named Satoshi Nakamoto, from Japan, that wanted to create a Digital Currency that was not regulated by a privatized system, like the Federal Trade Commission. I won't get into detail, too much to explain, but I cannot wait for the Biopic to come out on Netflix.

Sceptical about getting something for nothing, I added my deposit address to each faucet and went for it. The first place, funny enough, was FreeBitco.in. I signed up for several more. Every ten minutes to an hour, I would hear the 'alert', answer a captcha quiz and collect my little bounty. I was still wondering, "Why are they giving this stuff away?" When I was able to withdraw and deposit, I was a firm believer. However, it's a very slow process to make a dollar lol.

Because of all the captchas, I can pretty much identify any type of body of water, house, storefront, noodles, and street signs, with great accuracy. Also, I know, deep down in my heart, that I am not a robot, and never will be.

I ran into a few scammy (to good to be true) sites that promised the world, but seldom delivered, if at all. It was fun for a couple months and I was looking for something better. More demanding. I asked Toby for advice, I couldn't wait to ask him after he came back on his trip to Honolulu. I called his cell, I forgot what time it was in Hawaii but the birds were beginning to chirp where I was at and some lady screaming on Toby's end. Knowing him he was at a luau with fire-dancers near by.

As the saying goes, "Google is your friend" and found a whole bunch on the subject of Bitcoin gambling. One honorable mention is Adam Guerbuez, or MikeTheMug, with his very informative videos of showing his infamous method making free money on these sites. Adam gave me that edge I was looking for. When I came to the world of Bitcoin Gambling and I was pretty excited. This thing took my life on to a whole different level. I began to understand the value of a 'satoshi' (nickname for a single bit that make up part of a bitcoin). I went to several gambling sites, using only faucet profits and figuring out how to make some more by betting with provable algorithms.

Adam Guerbuez
YOUTUBE: https://www.youtube.com/user/ToughLife2007

If I'm losing you on all this technical jargon and buzzword, I do apologise!! I will explain in detail on how to make your own 'faucet' using a bitcoin gambling site, some other time. I learned how to play smart and not be greedy. The house will always win and you could request to have your entire account shutdown if things go too far. I made my first bitcoin using Adam's method in less than a week's time.

This is an example of a bad Yolo move. Do not attempt. :/

My primary hangout is Bitsler, it's more than just a gambling site for digital cash, but in the Chat feature, there is a small community of really cool peeps.

This banner was made by Bitsler user, BLACKSEC!

In the chat rooms, there are games, quizzes and even avatar contests are held and the winners will receive a good amount of satoshis! This is an interactive faucet at it's finest!!

Shameless promo: If you want to, click on this link http://bit.ly/WinBitsler , create a profile, add a cool avatar and say hello to the chat room and you may even get rained upon with satoshis! I go by @thelord so look for my profile and follow me!

FYI - I don't work for Bitsler or Adam or even get paid to say stuff about them, but when I see a 'sure thing' I love to share the the knowledge and Steemit is the place to be!

Finally, I ended up a believer, okay? I folded! I started for selfish reasons, I'm not ashamed to be the first to admit it. But I began to learn about how digital currency connected me with so many people. I was able to learn how to use it in the physical world. I mean, once I was able to purchase a gift card and spend it on goods, I was like Jon Snow with an iPhone!


I am absolutely IN LOVE with Steemit! It is perhaps the greatest and CRAZIEST idea I have ever heard of! I am so excited to be a part of this! I really want to share more about Digital Currency and how to make more of it!

If you have any to share, please leave a comment and some upvote love would be sweet too! More posts will follow!

I love you all!



UPDATED: I had to tidy up!

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