Hello Steemians! My name is Darko and I am from Montenegro (Europe not Africa xD)

Who knew getting excited about cryptocurrencies would open this whole new world?! :D Early June I started getting familiar with this new technology and all the wonderful possibilities it opens. Crucial to this was Andreas Antonopoulos where he was talking on Joe Rogan podcast about how diverse and beneficial this new internet/ecosystem could become. Who knew that this quickly we would be sailing these new waters?? :D BUT I digress,

My name is Darko

and I come from a small but beautiful country in southern Europe called Montenegro.


As most people here I trained basketball for many years but nowadays I find myself absolutely in love with the technology and the difference you can make with it. That is probably why I wasted all my savings into crypto when started reading about it! :D Proud HODLer here!

In the future looking to contribute in other ways other than money, so finally start breaking the Resistance, as Steven Pressfield calls it. Here you can check out my very first post on Steemit on what it took to build my very first app:

Check it out! It might be helpful to you as it was to me, plus it would mean a great deal to me :)

That's Darko in a nutshell! Any questions, comments, love, just fire away as I would love to meet you and be part of this community! :D Cheers!

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