Introducing: My Introduction: Family Man of the New Paradigm

Greetings Steemit Community!

...or as my friend said in their introduction, “Hello my fellow Steemers!” ;-D

My name is Keith LaVigne - a.k.a. @teruneo in the Steemit Universe.

I joined Steemit for one reason: Valuable Quality Content:

I’m here to support, identify, promote, and create Valuable Quality Content.

So this entire cryptocurrency aspect is definitely very nice and is something I’m going to use to my advantage (God-willing) - but unless some system aspects are tweaked, a whale or two (or more!) takes benevolent notice of me, or other minnows such as myself begin to swarm around me and my posts in upvotes… Well, the fact of the matter is that I will be using any steem I’m bestowed simply to increase my visibility and the visibility of the Valuable Quality Content I’ve either created myself or discovered from other authors.

As for me personally…

I’m a family man first and foremost!

And I fucking LOVE my family...
...Even if they've afflicted me with their silly sense of humor! :-P

So let’s get this straight right here:
I --- LOVE --- MY --- KIDS

^^^ (My eldest daughter) ^^^

^^^ (My youngest daughter) ^^^


My two daughters, of 7 and 2, were born on the same day five years apart exactly... The fact that they both have different moms only adds to the eerie-miraculous factor in my book. They are both super smart, very genuine, and so precious and loving and lovable that words fail me in conveying how important and inspiring they are in my life.

^^^ (My eldest daughter - as a baby) ^^^


...My son, born in between them, passed away after only 4 months of being here on Earth-Terra… The loss shook me to my foundations… And while I still grieve for myself and my family, I know his existence is real and that he goes on - just like we all do when our time here is over. And because of his life, and because of his gift in being here, I am a stronger person - one who is now comitted to do whatever it takes to live an honorable and righteous life.

^^^ (One of the few remaining pictures of my son) ^^^


Related to this loss and my personal revelations, I also possess a somewhat cliche ability:
“To see with eyes unclouded by hate”

(Yes - dropping a Princess Mononoke reference!)

I’ve been raised in the western world of the United States of America… And the world, society and governing systems that I’ve grown up in are ripe with the fruits of hypocrisy, greed, and delusion. If you’ve grown up elsewhere, you simply have no idea how inundated we are with propaganda, bullshit and distraction. It takes a very genuine and real person to face the truth of this matter - and it almost always leads to some kind of depression and literal dark-night-of-the-soul for the individual who refuses to look away...

HOWEVER - everything happens for a reason, and a good one at that.

I’ve chosen Steemit as my platform (or soapbox?) because… I believe in the underlying theme: Valuable Quality Content is rewarded, appreciated, and shared - and the people/users choose and determine what is Valuable Quality Content themselves.

The world I’ve been living in is eroding away, and what was known as the “free market” is now just a word and a ghost of what it could be… Quality and value, in the existing mainstream system, isn’t determined by the users anymore, but by advertisers, politicians, and celebrities. We have traded what is important for what sells and… in all earnesty, everyone suffers because of it - even the people at the top of the proverbial pyramid (whether they will acknowledge it or not).

Value and quality are seen as subjective… but there are fundamentals of living life that must be addressed before any kind of creative expression can truly exist in full. If people are merely “surviving” from one day to the next -fearfully, shamefully, and exhausted from applied effort- then what is seen as subjective becomes secondary (if not tertiary) and making ends meet becomes the primary focus...

And I’m talking on ALL levels here too: Physically, Emotionally, and Energetically.

...That is why I’ve chosen what I have and done what I’ve done. With much heartache and the sense of incredible loss, I have had to walk away from my children so that I could begin constructing not just a life, but a way of life that is fulfilling, honorable, and sustainable.

And this IS what its about too: sustainability --- and I am NOT talking about the politician’s use of the word either! I’m NOT here to regulate anything - I AM here to bring conscious awareness to what we are choosing (collectively and individually) and how it effects and affects us in the long run…

Because the choices we make AT THIS VERY MOMENT are shaping the future we are giving our children… and the future I would have for them is a world of difference between that which is being programmed into them by school, society, and the cult of celebrity: a fragmented consumer-driven existence that lacks a loving community and a personal relationship with the Source of All Life and Existence…

^^^ (The day my eldest daughter was born - the day I became a father) ^^^


And you know! Jeezus cripes… You probably know better than I do in many cases: how bad it is and how insurmountable it seems to be - how the fat cats get fatter and the rat race gets rattier - and how despite all the talk and apparent arguments over what to do by the politicians, nothing of value and quality is being discussed and all solutions being offered are metaphorical band-aids that heal nothing and only cover up the underlying issue that goes on unaddressed...

When people are so downtrodden and apathetic that they do nothing to change what they see right in front of them… It is the beginning of the end of our way of life.

I cannot choose this for myself.
I cannot choose this for my children.

I CAN choose something else - something sustainable - a way of life that offers far more than the dying shadows of secret societies ever possibly could.

And that is EXACTLY what I am doing and why I am here.

So please join me!
And together, we can reclaim this world, OUR WORLD, as our own - slaves to our fears no more. :-D

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