Sneak peek: Highlights of my life


A pleasant day to everyone who's going to read this anecdote of mine. This is my first entry and hopefully I could tell you more about my life story. To start with, allow me to introduce myself, I am Shiena, it's "shin" for short. Nineteen years of age. A second year college student at St. Cecelia's College, taking Bachelor of Science Hospitality Management. I am currently residing in Minglanilla, the Sugat Capital of the South, located in Metro Cebu, Philippines.
Fast fact: the word "sugat" in Cebuano means "meeting".

(Excuse the messy background)
This was the day we decided to move from another house to this one

Being the eldest is truly not a piece of cake, it actually gives me a lot of pressure. I have to be the role model in the family, and that means having good grades, being formal at all times and becoming the one that my siblings could look up to. One mistake and I became a big disappointment to my family. That's the reason why I always put in mind that I can't be a failure, for if I fail again would they still be proud of having me? Being a girl who's also the eldest takes a lot of responsibilities, and expectations comes with it. I always try to take steps to make sure that whatever I do is planned and is okay to them before officially doing it. Though I'm not a perfect daughter, not as well the best granddaughter and a sister, nor a smart student and a good friend, but I am sure that I am better now than what I was before.

My Mama and Papa raised me in the most practical way anyone could ever imagine. They always taught me to be good and respectful at all times. Way back when I was younger, I know that my family is not that wealthy but I can see my parents working hard, striving, and doing their best to provide our needs and somehow a bit of our wants. I saw firsthand my Papa's hard work, trying lots of jobs, giving his best and doing his all just to give us the life he wants us to live. I witnessed as well the love and attention my mother gives to each and one of us, including my dad, and how she takes care of us in the best way she can.


There they are my superheroes, my strength, the King and Queen of my life. Don't worry your majesties, I got you both covered. And I swear to try my hardest and fulfill my dreams. I promise to make you guys very proud.

As a student and a friend


This was during my first year in college, 'twas indeed a lot of fun and we (me and my group mates) won during the activity and got higher grades among other groups. It was honestly an amazing experience and my teammates were full of beans. They performed brilliantly. I never expected for that to happen, I mean winning, because just so y'all know I'm an introverted person who really doesn't like to communicate. I was also too shy to approach others and strike up a conversation. When it comes to class, I'm the kind of student that never seems to mind but is always active when it comes to participation. After the game, we changed outfits and celebrated our victory over a lunch, as our coach/subject teacher had informed us that we would be leaving early.


Victory!! I'm over the moon, knowing that I now have a new circle of friends. This was really unexpected for me as a freshman, and I was so glad to meet them all. In my opinion, the relationships that come as a surprise are the ones that stays quite a long time, and that is indeed true. My friends and I still hang out during free time or after class, even if we are now in different rooms and sections. We've faced many difficulties with our assignments and projects together, but we've managed to pass everything on time.

I'll never forget the relationship we had at school and outside the campus. I will miss our friendships, our teachers' surprise quizzes, our unplanned get-togethers, and our never-ending class chuckles. The memories we had will always have a special place in my heart and will last a lifetime. I can say that sometimes all we need to do to feel the healing that we want is to spend time with good friends, little did they know they're therapeutically healing us in ways we could never explain.

Me being me
One in my hobbies is taking care of my pets.

My babies, the white one is summer and the other one is sugar. These babies are from my teacher, who's also my neighbor. He decided to give these two cuties to us for the reason that he couldn't manage buying a lot of dog food for them, if I'm not mistaken the mother dog has five babies (three females and two males). To cut the story short, both the dogs died. I had a heavy heart after hearing that from my mama, we truly don't know what's the real reason for them dying that quickly. And the only thing that we could do is accept it, accept the truth that they weren't intended for us to keep.


The one in the right is Carla, Scooby is in the upper left corner, and below him is Loki. These three are our guards, may it be day or night. Our loyal friends who give us comfort anytime. These dogs' clinginess, constant responsiveness, and energy are what I adore most about them. They wait for me in front of our house every time I go home after a long day from school. Just think of how adorable it would be to have your pets wait on you, such a relief.

Some of my friends ask me if I a have pet, like a dog or any other pets. I always answer "yes" with a big smile in my face then telling them names of my dogs. Fun fact: even though I own pets, I have a severe fear of animals. One occasion, as far as I can remember that was my birthday, my cousin's dog came out of her room and approached me. I literally ran outside making huge steps in order to escape from the cute little dog. I don't know if it's just me or y'all have experienced it as well, everytime I see an unfamiliar dog coming towards me, I lowkey want to run fast and or go get rid of that dog.


August 1, 2019 (10th grade)
The one in the right side, wearing same shirt as mine, is my brother. We were chosen to take part and represent our school during municipal meet. Two sets for every division; girls and boys. Set A: first placer/gold medalist. Set B: second placer/silver medalist.

Since the day I first saw my father and uncles playing this board game, it has grown to become one of my favorites. I was amazed by how they moved each and every piece. It was so fun watching them giggle at one another after one of them made a bad move. The amount of money next to the chess mat drew my interest as well, it was quite a lot, and I realized immediately that they were placing bets. And that was the day I decided I should learn how to play chess too, for fun and to have extra money.

I started lowkey playing chess at school when I was in the 5th grade, I was a transferee student that time and my classmates were so amazed knowing that I can play chess, which is new to them, and can be good at class as well. They always encourage me to attend tryouts so that I can play with coaches and other players. That wasn't my time, I guess, for I was too shy to play with other students and teachers, except my classmates and close friends. But that stopped when I was in the 7th grade, my first time participating in chess and got the second place, silver medalist to be exact. My classmates, friends and teachers were cheering me while I was at stage being given an award. I was over the moon that time, it's like a dream come true.

I was so proud of myself that I've made it that far, not bad for a first timer. I continued playing up to the tenth grade, and the thing is I was finally the gold medalists that time for three consistent years. It ended when the pandemic came. I was a senior high school student that moment. No one was allowed to go out and must undergo quarantine for few months. I was devastated. I feel hopeless to continue studying, it's boring attending online classes. Not meeting your friends and other relatives for a long time. And being restricted from doing things I used to do before, like playing badminton or basketball outside, or having chitchat with neighborhoods. But despite of what happened those days, I was lucky that I still managed to continue and had the courage to face difficult situations. Thank God!

Singing, dancing, playing games may it be online or offline, baking, and cooking are some of my hobbies, but two of my favorites are reading and writing. I genuinely appreciate those persons who took time writing stories for us to read. The efforts they made just to present to us their spectacular works. Giving inspiring quotes that can somehow give us comfort. Reading and writing are like my escape, and keeping myself busy and progressive in my own ways. I really love reading stories from any social media sites, writing poems or stories about love, other people's lives, pets and about myself too. It'd be my pleasure sharing more of my thoughts here. Hopefully, with the help of this platform I'd be able to enhance my writing and communication skills. To make more friends and meet lots of people with the same passion and hobbies as mine.

Days before the orientation, my cousin messaged me that we should attend so that we can fully understand the rules and important matters about Hive.
I'm more than grateful to my cousin @heyitsjian and my aunt @missbebeth who convinced me to try and join Hive. I'm thankful as well that I was onboarded by @naymhapz who mentored and guided me throughout this journey. Thank you so much guys!


Pics from my cousin @heyitsjian

Hive Orientation at Caduawan Elementary School, Tabogon, Cebu, 8th of December 2023. This was my first time attending stuffs like this and I had a blast. I was on cloud nine meeting these hivers. They welcomed me warmly with wide smiles from their faces, wonderful greetings that would make me feel comfortable in making bonds with them, and offering me lots of delicious foods to eat. This team has built a community. A place where people are connected by their passions and shared ideas. They opened my eyes from opportunities that can enhance my skills. Helped me become one of them. We had such a great time together. I truly appreciate their efforts and for giving me time to learn more about this platform. No words can explain how much grateful I am being part of this team.
Gracias Hivers! Adios!

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