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@steemitbranson on Block_Chain

Hello, My name is Richard Branson, you might already have heard of me? I launched Virgin Records in 1973 believe it or not.

First a little more about me.

I was born on July 18, 1950, in Surrey England. I struggled in school and dropped out at age of only 16, a decision that ultimately lead to the creation of Virgin Records believe it or not. My entrepreneurial projects started in the music industry and expanded into many other sectors. My Virgin Group holds more than 200 companies , including the recent Virgin Galactic, a space-tourism company. I have a very adventurous spirit with various sporting achievements, including crossing oceans in a hot air balloon just for fun.

I once said,

“I think it is working. There will be other currencies like it that may be even better, but in the meantime there's a big industry around bitcoin. You know, people have made fortunes out of bitcoin, some people have lost money out of bitcoin.”

I hope to become a valued part of this vibrant community. I will be watching very closely as it trends. You will find out more information about my passion for block-chain at Currently am extremely busy but will try and stop by soon to learn a little more.

May our content echo throughout the halls of block chain technology forever.

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