Painting for Sale - Hi i'm a Steem Artist

Hi, i'm Mauricio, and i'm an A multimedia artist.

I guess I had the art bug in my blood from the day I was born. I can say I had a weird creativity and sense of humour within me, that turned out to be best applied in paintings. I have always been a dreamer and an idealist, and I remember how my mother kept telling me that “I was crazy” and how the world works in more practical ways…I didn’t listen to her, and as a matter of fact I didn’t listen to anyone, but my inner calling that kept whispering me that my ideas worth something.

When the world seems to be going crazy, make art.

As you already probably figured it out, I was not a math guy and I didn’t really like the rest of those fixe sciences where everyone had to have the same answer. I hated this, and I always searched to be unique and original; I fought so that my thoughts and idea were heard, it’s just how I felt and I always did things with passion.

I would like to offer a piece of me to the Steemit community and offer to sale my art.

Right now i am dabbling in resin art. I build layers and layers of colour pigment and polyester resign on a metal panel 3'x2' ready to frame and hang.

This medium is a bit expensive and value my art at a high price as all artist should do.

I would like to offer this original piece - shipped to your location for 600 steems tokens or 1400 steem dollars. If you are interested we can talk on a steemchat. Or the first person to send me the funds to my account takes it. But if this post makes it to the trending page i will give it up for free to someone who upvote this post. I'll choose from the list in a video i'll make and pick the winner that way. Thanks for your votes :)

Here is a quick video to show you a bit more. Thank you!

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